T6 Guild with 21/50 members..working our way to T7..Join us..

101 posts Member
edited October 2016
It's really hard to start over...but it had to be done. We just want to be part of Guild that has the best interest of its members...there are alot of guilds recruiting....we don't have all the ungodly rules..we just want people to enjoy the game and do the 600 daily guild coins..so everyone's gonna benefit..

We are currently at 21/50. Looking to add Active players. We would like to continue to get players above Lvl60 as we are trying to eventually do T7 raids. We are Active on chat (we would hope you will be too) doesn't have to be LINE (even though most of us use) but just chat. we help when we can, and we ask for advice, when we don't know something. Share what works for each person in each situation. Overall just be helpful.

We left a Guild that to be honest that was just not cutting it. The "leader" didn't ever talk in Guild Chat..never donated anything to his Guild mates, but he would request high end gear. We could do a Tier 5 raid in one day, but not enough active players to get through a Tier 6 Raid in less than 5 to 6 days. You don't have to be a p2p player, we are just looking for people that are Active everyday. Which means contribute 600 guild currency daily & Wants to be a top player in the guild. Give us a shot.

Thanks for looking at the post and I hope to hear from you soon.

My ally code NDIRISHFAN 877-774-558
Line ID..ndirishfan
Guild name... Inglorious nerfhearders (nerfherders wasn't available)

(We want members...not wanting to merge our crew into yours...we like our squad synergy)
Now if you have a small guild that is having the same issue at recruiting that most of us seem to have..join us. SO THAT MEANS WE AREN'T WILLING TO ABANDON OUR GUILD, SO PLEASE DON'T ASK.
(You would be surprised how many will still ask for us to merge with them)

(I am constantly on this game..I actually have alot of fun..and really love Star Wars..I hope that people that actually feel the same..will join us.
Post edited by Ndirishfan_1988 on


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  • Luxfordinho
    5 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Hi there, I'm looking for a new guild with my two brothers for us all to join. We are in a successful T7 guild at the moment but there raiding schedule doesn't suit our lifestyle as we have babies or work shifts so often miss there raids. Do you have set times that you tend to launch your raids please? You kindly accepted my ally request recently btw so feel free to check my roster :)
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    We don't have set times as we are currently doing T6 raids while we ramp up new members. We tend to refresh our raid around normally 630pm central time after the guild reset. We would love to have you and your brothers. We are a relaxed guild. Just try to do your daily 600 and communicate, and we are happy.
    I'm also on the LINE app under ( ndirishfan ) and that's how our group all communicates. We like it better because in all of our busy lives we can catch up on chat we've missed. So give me a shout. Let me know what ya think.
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    LuxFord.....what's your in game name???
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    Okay cool sounds good thanks! I think there's a cooling off period for leaving guilds now so I'll shout back at you for an invite as soon as I can if that's alright. I'll get my bro's to send ally invites to you too as well if that's okay with you
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    Yeah for sure. Don't think there is a cool off period. As long as you leave your guild I'll invite right away.
    For sure have them send me invite and let me know their names so I know to look for them.
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    He we have a group of seven wanting to join up. Our leader is T7 strong and I'm coming up right behind him.

    He was hoping to have y'all join us.

    What u think

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    We understand you don't want to join another group but here is what we are proposing. We, like you already have a good group that is all on the same page. We lead as a group of 3 that were all top 5 in our previous guild that was doing T6's in about 24 hours. We put the guild first and offer plenty of help and we all exchange gear, give and take. We already have chats set up for the various facets of the game and are actively playing and helping those who need it. You would be joining an excellent group with high lvl players ready to do a 7 when you guys are.
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    We can add your leader to our leadership
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    The easy thing would obviously be to jump ship. We as a guild have started from just 2 people and have grown to 18 in a couple weeks. The last thing we want to do is to abandon our group. It is not fair to the people that have joined us. That's honestly why I put on there not willing to lose our guild. I appreciate the offer and we would be willing to take you guys on...it's just not everyone in our guild is ready for a T7 yet, and we want to help everyone get there. It's a much better accomplishment to grow it on our terms not merging into someone else's guild and wonder whether we would eventually have to start all over again.
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    Good morning! My brothers are Wen Quantoxhead and Jay, I've asked them both to ally request you up :)
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    Ready for an invite whenever you can! :)
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    You guys are invited. Do me a favor and download the LINE app if you haven't alreasy. We like chatting on that better. Just search my name ndirishfan
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    Hey irish, Im currently a member of a guild that refuses to do higher than t5 raids, which I have frankly outgrown long ago. I currently lead my guild in all aspects and want to move on to t6 and 7 raids but no support. At this point I want to move to a better fit guild for me.

    I am interested in checking out your guild. Please add me: Jerguy 479-926-629 if there is still room. I am very active and have no issue contributing to what youre looking for.

  • Jerguy
    2 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Note I am still a member of my guild until I find a new home. Please add me as an ally and I will leave my current guild :)

    Sent you a message on Line as well
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    I just accepted your ally invite.
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    We are 24 strong with only 3-4 under 80 we offer you what you need and are T6 wanting to develop a T7 guild can't hurt to ask
    Deeza Beeza
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    Unless your wanting to join our guild, we are not interested in leaving our guild. I'm sorry but I spelled that out.
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    Yeah I spelled out that it can't hurt to ask
    Deeza Beeza
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    A lot of spelling going on in here.
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