Romanian Power - cautam membrii pt T6

Cautam membrii pentru raiduri de T6.
Nu conteaza daca ai o singura echipa pentru T6, trebuie doar sa folosesti aproape 600 de energie zilnic. Echipa ta o sa creasca repede alaturi de noi.
Daca esti interesat scrie-mi te rog mesaj privat.

Va asteptam,


  • Options
    Romanian power is looking for T6 members.
    We do not mind if you have only one team ready to battle T6, you only need to spend almost 600 energy daily. Your team will grow with the rest of us.
    If you are interested please send me a private message.
  • Options
    Romanian power is looking for T6 members.
    We do not mind if you have only one team ready to battle T6, you only need to spend almost 600 energy daily. Your team will grow with the rest of us.
    If you are interested please send me a private message.

    Aveti Line id?...vorbim ceva
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