Change Slow Animations

Let's just admit it, there are some animations in this game that are really, really slow and also occur a lot. For example, when I first started playing this game I was convinced that the main reason people were using Count Dooku wasn't because he is powerful, but because his animation is so slow and occurs so often that no one could defeat him when he is used on defense because he takes so long for his animations to run.

Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating here a bit, but you get my point. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of other people like myself who've cursed a few of the slow animations in this game upon coming to a draw.

This seems like an easy fix. Make the animations for characters like Dooku a lot faster, especially if it's more likely that they're going to move more than once, as with Dooku. Nothing can prevent draws completely, but surely this might help.


  • Options
    A good example of where a double- or triple-attack animation is done right is Rey. You can easily tell when she hits once, twice, or three times, but it all happens as part of a single animation. Why can't this type of thing be applied to other characters?
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