Order 88 looking for 2-5 guild members

4 posts Member
edited September 2016
Order 88 is cleaning house of the dead beats that don't contribute on a daily basis! We are looking for lvl 80 players that log in daily and can contribute on a daily basis as well. You don't need to be some uber player with 20+ 7* toons. We are looking at people that want to contribute and log in daily.

Currently we are on T6 raid and it takes us under 12 hours to beat. We could beat it in under 5 if we didn't stack our damage so everyone gets a chance to get some loot. We raid every other day and are about to step up to heroic.

If you want to be part of the team my ally code is 696-683-297 or send me a message on here.

Post edited by GibbyJr21 on


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