T7 Raids, 3 times a week. Every corner of the game covered. Come join us :)

37 posts Member
edited September 2016
Decendants of the Empire (DotE) part of the Empire Alliance is actively recruiting for open spots on our guild roster.

T7 raids 3 times a week & part of a community of 200+ players actively supporting each other with all aspects of SWGOH. We're a friendly guild & easy to get along with, a few guidelines in place to keep things running smoothly, that's why we have to insist you use the Line app to connect with us.

All players get a turn at soloing P1 if they want with a regular rotation so eveyone gets a crack at the top 3 spots in raids once they've got a team ready. We can help you build the best raid team, gear up quicker & broaden your bench in no time.

No officer privilege here, we all just want to have fun & grow together.

Sound good? Our entry requirements are simple:

Lvl 78+
6+ 7* toons
Contribute 450+ coins daily
Use the Line app

If you need to install Line click here: http://line.me/en/

If you think we're the guild for you add myself or the other recruitment officer listed below on Line & we'll be in touch asap.

*If you just request to join the guild or ally with us you won't be allowed in. Not becaue we're elitist but due to past shenanigans we inist you're on the Line app first.


DotE recruitment officer Mon Mothman
Line id : monmothman
Ally code : 156-468-613

DotE recruitment officer Abba
Line id : toothlessthedragon98
Ally code : 854-468-842


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