Gw is bull cheating

For the past two weeks I have not been able to get anywhere close to beating gw and frankly I'm still spending money on the game yet I can't beat the first or last part in gw once or maybe three times I can understand of not beating gw but it's been two weeks and I ve frankly had it with gw anakin should not be doing 65 k when my teams only do 8 k plz fix this I'm planning on staying spending more cash on this game but gw is a joke I


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    OK, what the f@ck man three days in a row, I meet some dude who all his toons single shot all my toons, before I even get a shot in. How the f@ck does someone consider this fair?

    Uninstalling and voting a single star, poor consideration for lower power toons, just because I am 80 does not mean I have level 10 gear.
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    GW seems perfectly fine to me...
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    It's a tough situation because some people have it easy and some people have it hard. I think the players with less arena power (under 37,000) face hard GW nodes with an almost unbeatable Node 12 while people above 37,000 arena power face not as difficult GW nodes with an extremely easy Node 12. Or something along these lines.
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    Dhoey321 wrote: »
    It's a tough situation because some people have it easy and some people have it hard. I think the players with less arena power (under 37,000) face hard GW nodes with an almost unbeatable Node 12 while people above 37,000 arena power face not as difficult GW nodes with an extremely easy Node 12. Or something along these lines.

    Not quite. Before that borderline you have hard nodes 11 and 12 after that node 11 is really tough to beat (needing two or three quads normally) and 12 is a cakewalk.

    You get tough GW when you only power up your Arena squad and neglect anything else.
    For GW you need to be able to field two or three useable squads.

    Or at least get some suicide squads in that at least kill one opposing toon.
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    Cestvel wrote: »
    Dhoey321 wrote: »
    It's a tough situation because some people have it easy and some people have it hard. I think the players with less arena power (under 37,000) face hard GW nodes with an almost unbeatable Node 12 while people above 37,000 arena power face not as difficult GW nodes with an extremely easy Node 12. Or something along these lines.

    Not quite. Before that borderline you have hard nodes 11 and 12 after that node 11 is really tough to beat (needing two or three quads normally) and 12 is a cakewalk.

    You get tough GW when you only power up your Arena squad and neglect anything else.
    For GW you need to be able to field two or three useable squads.

    Or at least get some suicide squads in that at least kill one opposing toon.

    Not quite. I never really focused on arena until they updated GW and i found out i had to get my power above 37,000 to get easy node 12. I always wanted to (and have been) collecting all the characters and getting multiple teams to use with synergy. I have plenty of level 80 characters and did so before. My arena power was only 33 - 35,000 and i had a lot of characters at g8 level 80 7 starred. Now my arena power is slightly over 37,000 which has made my galactic war much easier.
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    So the key is keep arena power under 37k?
    Good to now.

    Every way this is not good, because I have more good heroes than arena's team, but last node is unbeatable. With which team could I defeat a team of 2 tank and all heroes that do more than 10k damage to a 5s full upgraded???
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    21k power and generally 1 team all 12 tiles some times loosing 1 toon otw to 12th. Rarely I get to 11th then toss scrub toons in to strip 12ths Sheild's then back to my standard. (Qgj,akbar,chewwi,cad bane and consulor) also I'm 63 and only before I started molding would I fail 12th consistently. Just remember if you have 1 super pimp Bamf toon ur 12th will scale for that 1 toon.
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    Dhoey321 wrote: »
    It's a tough situation because some people have it easy and some people have it hard. I think the players with less arena power (under 37,000) face hard GW nodes with an almost unbeatable Node 12 while people above 37,000 arena power face not as difficult GW nodes with an extremely easy Node 12. Or something along these lines.

    It works!
    But it is unfair, the step is to much, because a power 36999 is the same as 37000, but the first have an very very easier gw. Growing difficult is right, but should be less exponential...
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