Sth speed issue?

I run a standard rebel scoundrel team with Lando lead. Sth has 219 speed with mods and 234 with Lando buff. However, starting a couple of hours ago his speed buffs have appeared to have disappeared completely. All of my toons now go before him no matter what team I play. Any battle in arena any battle anywhere same result. I have removed mods and reapplied with no luck. Any ideas? Thx!


  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    Speed has been removed from mods
  • scuba
    14200 posts Member
    What is the whole team and speeds? Who are you facing?
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    They nerfed STHan since his counterpart always goes first no matter what. They gave him a base speed of 0. He only gets to go if Lando is lead or if he has speed mods.
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    RU486 wrote: »
    Speed has been removed from mods

    this would be hilarious

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    Team is Lando lead with sth Biggs Wedge and Sunfac. Except for sth none are higher than 180 speed and with sth being 219. Even in a game one in a galactic war with everyone starting new against a bad team he goes last lol and no his base speed is not 0.

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    RU486 wrote: »
    Speed has been removed from mods
    Where is the source?
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    I run a standard rebel scoundrel team with Lando lead. Sth has 219 speed with mods and 234 with Lando buff. However, starting a couple of hours ago his speed buffs have appeared to have disappeared completely. All of my toons now go before him no matter what team I play. Any battle in arena any battle anywhere same result. I have removed mods and reapplied with no luck. Any ideas? Thx!

    Hi @MastaBlasta, my favourite shard nemesis - nice to see you on the forums! :smile:

    I think what you did yesterday is give your Biggs and Wedge more speed. Wedge's Red Leader unique gives himself and Biggs +9 speed for each ally with full health (when omega'd, slightly less without).

    This gives them a much higher base speed than STH, so it's quite easy to nudge them ahead of STH in terms of turn order. So your STH is doing fine - it's just that your Biggs and Wedge are now faster.

    I played your team this morning and noticed your changes, but it seemed to go as expected in terms of turn order.

    I enjoyed having the fastest STH on our shard until you went and got all those speed secondaries! Thankfully I had Raid Han standing by. Sucks on defence though! :wink:
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    Been testing toons by moving and removing speed mods. There appears to be a hard cap on speed mods at 180 per toon. My sth will go first if I lower speeds on Wedge and Biggs to 175. This is before leader assist which explains bot teams hyper speeds. Can anyone confirm this?
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    That is weird. Wedge gets +9 speed for each ally with full health (assuming he's maxed) and Biggs will get the same. I'm not sure what speed you have the two of them at but let's say it is at 180. Lando lead gives them +15 so they're at 195. With the buff from allies they should be at 231. I don't use Wiggs so maybe there's something going on that I don't know about. Either way neither SF nor Lando should go before STH.
    Post edited by sying on
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    Been testing toons by moving and removing speed mods. There appears to be a hard cap on speed mods at 180 per toon. My sth will go first if I lower speeds on Wedge and Biggs to 175. This is before leader assist which explains bot teams hyper speeds. Can anyone confirm this?

    Following on from what I said, there's no cap. Your Wedge's Red Leader is omega'd, so +9 per ally. For some reason, possibly a bug, both Wedge and Biggs include themselves as allies:

    So, this means your 175 (for example) Biggs gets +45 for Red Leader, then +15 for Lando, and ends up with 235 speed. Wedge is the same, so both can easily end up faster than your STH.

    Once Biggs and Wedge have taken their turns, there was probably some TM manipulation from hitting an opposing STH or similar which made it look like more toons were going faster.

    No problems that I can see.
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    Thank you Palanthian! It has been great watching you lead our shard in arena and trying to match wits with you!
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