Dead servers?

I pre-registered for Galaxy Of Heroes and it seems like my server I am on is pretty much filled with people who tried the game and uninstalled it later. The only friends I am able to add at my level are my guild mates, and in the arena I have stayed at the same level for ages. In the arena everyone surrounding my account is leveled 65-70+ and I am only able to challenge players who are way above my current level 56 or 57. The only active players from what I can tell are the higher ranking players in the top 1-200. I cant use any of my suggested characters to borrow because they are all at around 1,200 to 1500. This just doesnt seem right to me. I would really appreciate any help.


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    try share ally code discussion, there's ton active player there
    the cake is a lie
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    You can send me an invite. Ally code 326-158-514
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    Thanks. Sent.
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    This is pretty much the case for all 2015 shards it seems- only top 200 are active and rest either casual FTP or inactive.
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    While Ive got you here @TheKevinlyFather , who is a better healer? Luminara or Consular?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Just an fyi, if you are doing lvl's that your allies have not you get low power toons. So some of your allies may not have been up to the same area as you.

    But finding allies isn't hard there is a whole section for dropping ally codes and getting friends.

    It must be nice to keep climbing and not dropping in arena.
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  • Options can add me if you so wish. got some decent toons to lend
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    I added you Khayman.

    And I didn't necessarily make this post because of not having high level friends to play with Kyno. It was more or less a complaint that the server I am on if so full of inactives and people who barely play that I can't progress in arena as I am level 56 and surrounded by level 70's who don't play, so my arena rank stays at like 2,000. For my dailies I have to keep fighting battles I know I will lose just to complete them.

    Aside from the nice people who gave me ally codes, I did drop mine in the "Share Ally Code Discussion".
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    honestly i recommend to start on new account fresh shard maintain top rank there, eventually crystal shower!
    the cake is a lie
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    You could write down the allied codes of ppl you like and start over.

    It sounds like you started a game then took a break, with regular play you "should be" more evenly matched with your shard.

    It would suck a little to start over but it would be more fun to play with other active and then you would be able to get and stay higher in arena. Just a thought
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    Sorry, logged for a while. Lumi is nice, but JC can heal more often. I have always preferred Lumi to JC, but ran both in my GW team when I first started.
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    Yeah i had tried to start over and got an alt account to lvl 20. But ive spent money on my main account so :/ ill just have to get my toons higher level so i can get over this wall of people. A plus side to a new account is i would know which toons to build and ect like that. Just dont wanna give up the progress ive made so far really. Maybe EA will do something different with the servers and do a type of account sorting and balancing in the future.
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    And thanks for the info @TheKevinlyFather and btw your palpatine is awesome. Love his cackle lol
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    xnullroot wrote: »
    I added you Khayman.

    And I didn't necessarily make this post because of not having high level friends to play with Kyno. It was more or less a complaint that the server I am on if so full of inactives and people who barely play that I can't progress in arena as I am level 56 and surrounded by level 70's who don't play, so my arena rank stays at like 2,000. For my dailies I have to keep fighting battles I know I will lose just to complete them.

    Aside from the nice people who gave me ally codes, I did drop mine in the "Share Ally Code Discussion".
    I don't understand what you mean. You are level 56 and you are surrounded in arena by level 70s who arent active and that prevents you from advancing in arena? Arena doesnt use allies.
  • Darth_Nihilus
    97 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    xnullroot wrote: »
    While Ive got you here @TheKevinlyFather , who is a better healer? Luminara or Consular?

    Don't go for consular at all, He will be a waste of your time, if your looking for a healer do lumi or old daka, But lumi would be your best choice
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    JC isn't a waste. End game, sure. But he has utility early on. Spot on about Daka, though. My personal favorite character.
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    Ive been working on Daka shards as well. Got a few characters I know I will need end game, such as Rey, Lumi/Consular, Imperial Guard, Qui Gon, and possibly Leia. Just trying to figure out my main people to focus all on right now. If you guys have any other "Must-Have" toons I would be appreciative.

    and @jomamaphat just to explain it all in detail so you understand, I pre-registered, played for a long while then took a break for a few months. Was in the top 500 before my break, and now that I am logging back in again, I am stuck at rank 2,000 and it seems that every player that is surrounding me is level 70-80 while I sit at 57/58 level. I am unable to progress as quickly as I would on another server where people are active and I am actually able to win and lose battles in arena. The only way for me to do this is to just get higher level to push over this wall of non-active players I am surrounded by. And being that I have spent money on this account I don't want to just start a new game.

    Although technically speaking, if and when I am able to get over said wall, I will be able to keep a high rank easier. So it's not a big problem in the long haul. I am getting steady Ally's now though so I can progress through scenarios easier.

    Just a quick question, but how do you get Palpatine??
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    Hot meta: wedge with biggs, lando
    Tank: royal guard, b2 battle droid, stormtrooper han
    P2w: sun fac, rex
    To get palpatine go 7 starred five rebel and wait for event cameback(5 star is fine but only unlocking him)
    the cake is a lie
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    xnullroot wrote: »
    Yeah i had tried to start over and got an alt account to lvl 20. But ive spent money on my main account so :/ ill just have to get my toons higher level so i can get over this wall of people. A plus side to a new account is i would know which toons to build and ect like that. Just dont wanna give up the progress ive made so far really. Maybe EA will do something different with the servers and do a type of account sorting and balancing in the future.

    Not sure how much truth there is to back this up, but the devs said they do not have the capability to do any sort of merger with shards. So don't count on it.
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    They have the capability. It's just a matter of time = money/man-power. I can think of how a pseudo-code would work in a player sorting and match making algorithm. The new tournament feature has this type of sorting and match making ability. As it goes, this tournament should work really well with my own problem in the game.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    xnullroot wrote: »
    They have the capability. It's just a matter of time = money/man-power. I can think of how a pseudo-code would work in a player sorting and match making algorithm. The new tournament feature has this type of sorting and match making ability. As it goes, this tournament should work really well with my own problem in the game.

    But those are 2 contradictory statements. They don't have the capability right now. Yes they could solve this problem with time, but that's different then having the capability.

    Anyway they have stated they have no (current) intention of mergers, just not something I would count on and if they do you will be grouped by starting time just like it is now, not by any algorithm. Just easier that way.
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    You're probably right about them grouping me by starting time. However capability is having the ability yet not doing it at the current moment. I don't see any contradictions in what I said.

    I don't expect them to solve this over-night or anytime soon for that matter. Just pointing out that the new tournament has the features squad arena should have. They have already done the match making and grouping in this, and it wouldn't take much to just fork it over to squad arena. Now that being said, I don't know what they would choose to do on this type of merge because Arena and Tournament would pretty much end up being more or less the same thing.

    Debating over this is pointless, because we are all at the mercy over what EA chooses to do with their product. Just hopefully the right person will read this thread and talk about ideas with fellow developers.
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    They can for sure change shard servers. I got moved to one in the next time zone so I'm sure it happened
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    Still can't wrap my head around your op and explanation. If your arena is inactive, it should be easier to progress. People near your rank are stagnant, giving you more time to play catch up. Other players activities have 0 to do with your progress other than giving you a chance to catch up.

    I'm guessing what you want to say is because of the time you weren't active, you got behind and would prefer to join a server where the average player is at your level/ near about. Which, according to devs, is not going to happen. If that is your complaint, a friend had the same problem. Signed up in Dec, didn't play much. Got back around 2 months back and got hooked. He finally quit and started a new account after hovering around 2000. Now he's lvl 72 and usually makes top 10.

    I'd suggest that you do the same. Starting new with your present allies will give you a a huge advantage over others and if you manage to make it to a t7 guild, boy, it's going to be fun. My friend already has a stock of furnaces etc. He's got a massive edge in regards to the others in his shard gear wise.

    About the money spent, we spend to get an edge. You've already lost it. You'll have to spend multiple times more just to catch up. I dunno about your spending habits, do the math and decide. Best of luck!
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    They can for sure change shard servers. I got moved to one in the next time zone so I'm sure it happened

    You got moved to a different time zone, a shard is not time zone linked. Shards are made up of folks joining up around the same time, all around the world. Even this is news for me, though. I had read some folks posting their problems because they had moved time zones. Good EA is making it possible to change time zones.
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    Enjoy the emperor :)

    O I will jus sent u an ally request. Thanks
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    They can for sure change shard servers. I got moved to one in the next time zone so I'm sure it happened

    You got moved to a different time zone, a shard is not time zone linked. Shards are made up of folks joining up around the same time, all around the world. Even this is news for me, though. I had read some folks posting their problems because they had moved time zones. Good EA is making it possible to change time zones.

    did this happen during daylight savings?
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    djvita wrote: »
    They can for sure change shard servers. I got moved to one in the next time zone so I'm sure it happened

    You got moved to a different time zone, a shard is not time zone linked. Shards are made up of folks joining up around the same time, all around the world. Even this is news for me, though. I had read some folks posting their problems because they had moved time zones. Good EA is making it possible to change time zones.

    did this happen during daylight savings?

    If you're asking about the posts I had read, they were about folks who had changed time zones, due to work or whatever. If it's about just changing the DST, I dunno. @BlueSynk111 can elaborate on how/ what was changed for him.
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