Game freezing on loading circles...


Whenever I try to get into: daily challenges, mod challenges, or the list of battles to "find" gear, the game freezes and I have to shut it down entirely and restart.

Any ideas?




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    P.s. I am on an iPad mini.
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    I have the same issue.....
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    Tried restarting my device, still happening...
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    Happening to me to. On Iphone.
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    I'm having the exact same problem on my iPhone 6S. Just tried it on my iPad and that saying it needs an update (haven't played on that for a while) but that's just hanging as well. It won't even update from the iTunes Store. Guest it's a server issue
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    Must be :(
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    I've seen someone post a screenshot of the new event in the events section... which is also failing to load for me, so maybe linked to the new stuff...
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    I could do challenges earlier today, hasn't worked since 'incoming transmission' message arrived about 2 hrs ago
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    I'm going to turn it off and try later.
  • kirederf
    2 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Same here. Tried restarting both phone and game several times. No luck there.
    As described earlier, issues started with the "incoming message".

    Very unfortunate this happens on Sunday when all daily challenges are available. I guess no gear or ability materials for us today :-(

    EDIT: after looking through the forums a bit more, this looks/feels like the iOS version of this bug

    EDIT2: Player ID from Settings: t1en_-HzSESf-evuFz_HVg
    Post edited by kirederf on
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    Having the same problem, iPhone 6S. Daily challenges are the best on a Sunday
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    Anyone know when this will be fixed?
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    I'm having the same issue on my ipad ios 10.0.2, just a spinning circle when I try events, daily challenges and mod challenges. I've tried re-starting, re-booting there are no updates to install. Yet my partners iphone 6 can connect and do everything??
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    Ok, so what's really weird this the game still isn't working on my iPhone 6s but it's working fine on my iPad Air 2.
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    Here is the solution that worked for me (ios9, 5s):

    1. Deleting app from phone
    2. Shutting down iphone
    3. Starting the iphone
    4. Reinstalling the game from iCloud backup
    5. Game starts, downloads the last update, shows me the news section, i do not open any of them

    Maybe someone comes up with more details regarding what exactly causes this issue. Seems really to be connected to game functions related to allies.

    Good luck.
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    Same issue, iPhone 6. Tried restart, might try the delete and reload suggestion
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    I had this exact problem. I was able to fix it by downloading and installing the newest IOS update (IOS 10.0.2). Once that was done I was able to use the app regularly on my iPhone 6S.
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    Thanks Taphaell, uninstalling then reinstalling seems to have worked! Was anxious about losing data, but all seems well.
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    I've tried upgrading to ios 10.0.2, unfortunately had no effect. Going to try the delete / reinstall method after my payout in 45 mins. Gulp.
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    Just did the reinstall - went without a hitch and everything is working. Thanks to everyone who posted here and in other threads to help.
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    Just did the reinstall - went without a hitch and everything is working. Thanks to everyone who posted here and in other threads to help.

    Same here. Thanks for the help everyone!
  • YetAnotherZathrian
    13 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    sorry... double post
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    Having same problem on iPad 3. Concerned to delete app and re-install as message says it will remove all data. Hoping EAjesse posts something about this problem today!
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    Ok, so the solution is to update iOS to latest version, then making sure that game centre is running, and saved your games, delete and reinstall swog. It will upload some new content to update the game, but then everything works
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    Confirmed. Uninstalling the app and downloading it again fixes the problems
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    If u uninstall will the data you have earned be erased ? Zeroed out ?
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    Solved this problem by first updating to latest iOS, the deleting and reinstalling
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    Login data is managed via game center, earnings and overall progress are stored at EA servers. Local files are for caching, speeding up the app.

    So it seems a pretty save workaround, until the issue is resolved otherwise. No guaranty whatsoever, though.

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