The only way to fix the problem with Speed

People blame and praise RNG on a daily basis. RNG is actually a very good thing for games. If every match was completely predictable from the start to finish, the game would get very stale. The Speed stat is very unique compared to almost any other stat in the fact that it is a static number with virtually no associated RNG. This gives people the ability to stack their team so they always go in a certain order, and also guarantees when they go up against an opponent which characters will go first. This should not be 100% predictable. I recommend incorporating some RNG in turn meter gains based on speed. So if someone has 200 speed, in reality when their turn meter goes up, it goes up in a range of, say, 160-240 speed. If all characters had this 20% (arbitrary number) variance, then there would be a lot more decision making in battles, and there would be less reliance on just maxing out your speed on arena characters. I have seen mods on some arena characters where the sets and primary stats weren't accounted for at all. Purely speed, so they can use one powerful ability first to snowball an advantage (See STHan). This will also help with raids with turn meter locking bosses by providing more chances that a boss will get a turn when its TM is being heavily manipulated. Another way you could address is, is giving characters a "proc" chance on extra speed gains sporadically through the match.

I highly encourage the devs to consider this. Thanks!
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