Suggestion for making the Galactic War more galactic and more "war-ee"

So, I know there's no chance that this will actually be taken seriously, but I have to throw it out there. I like the thought of having a "Galactic War" that feels galactic and war-like instead of another avenue of PvP. Sure if it's PvE you can develop "ultimate" strategies, but that's some of the fun in the game. When people figured out TM manipulation for the raid, I'm sure that was more fun than just "Throw your highest DPS.".

So, my suggestion would be that at the beginning of each day you choose Light side, Dark side, or "Mercenary". Your selection impacts the rewards (in a very minor way), and it impacts the opponents you face (Light v Dark, and Merc is mixed v. mixed).

After selecting your daily faction you start on the first node (in the rim). You get only characters from your faction (so merc would be everything). You can then pick from Easy/Medium/Hard and face an AI opponent based on squad power. Then after the first node you continue in towards the core. Each time selecting Easy/Medium/Hard. Going around the galaxy in a "spiral" type motion, where the closer to the core you get the harder the fights become. So, if you pick hard every time, you get the absolute hardest fight at the end, if you pick easy the entire time it doesn't change much and you're on the outside, and if you pick a mix you end up somewhere in between.

Finally, you get your rewards based on the number of enemies defeated, instead of pure wins (so, maybe easy is 9 enemies 3x3x3 while hard is 3x4x5). Even if you're not able to finish the final node you still get some rewards based on killing some of the enemies with a bonus for finishing each wave and another bonus for finishing without casualties.

Seeing as how this won't be done, I'm going to stop here, but I think you get the idea of where I was going. A series of AI fights that reward you even for partial completion, that way you feel like you're always getting something out of trying. Everyone's going to want to be able to complete all hard all the way, but on the days where you don't care you can just take the easy route instead.
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