Welcome to The Graveyard 45/50 GMT relaxed friendly lot looking to beat T7 tonight!

A call to arms for new recruits! We are yet again going for our first successful T7 raid 19:30 GMT tonight.

We are The Graveyard, and we're so close to finishing T7 I can smell the sweet sweet musk of fresh Han solo shards.
We're at 45/50 a few more members and we can make this a guarantee.
We're a laid back bunch active mostly in the evenings UK time.

Happy to help and chat away, we don't ask much except helping out where you can and saying hello occasionally.

If this sound like your kind of speed drop us a request on Line - dudemk3 or Cuzzins

Or just send us an Ally request and we'll add you to the family

Officer Ally Codes

Dudemk3 - 375-378-653
Cuzzins - 852-355-982
Huntz Solr Lives - 474-896-436

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