Wrath's Demise

Wrath's Demise is a new guild with a solid core. We have 20 members with levels ranging from 80 to 65. We are hard core when it comes to guild activities and Raids but are also very laid back with great comradery.

We do use the LINE app to enhance the social aspects of guild life. We are very inclusive with an easy going yet completely dedicated leadership base.

Whether you're level 80 and have had it with the ptw rat race, you'll find a home here. If you're level 68 and just want some help getting over that hump (and have fun doing so,) we have plenty of bunks.

If you are a small band of nomadic misfits (like we were,) please consider merging with us.

Daily laughs.
Daily Guild Comittment.
Daily Growth and Advancement.

Santana ~ Wrath's Demise
Game ID: 116-848-521
LINE ID: gruffles69


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    Oh, and we have free cookies. =)
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    hi, what is the timezone that the regular raid starters on?
    what is your current raid tier?
    how many raids are you able to open per week?
  • WD_Santana
    15 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi, CW

    Thanks for your interest and I apologize for my delayed response. I'm currently going through a very trying time in my personal life.

    We have 23 members. A couple/few of those are alts to help speed up Raid times. As of now we are collecting about 10k raid coins a day. So, we raid a couple times a week.

    We have members ranging from vereran 80s, mid level 70s and some 60 and below. One member is only level 39. He's a buddy from work who just now started playing.

    Like I said, if you're level 80+ and want to help others, you wont be out of place. Same goes for level 39-60+. You won't be out of place.

    What we want is a dedicated group of friends. The power stuff will work itself out in time. We are a mix of US and Euros.

    Accordingly, we balance our Raid times to accomodate everyone. No one freaks out if they miss a Raid. We aren't like that (although, we are known to stay up till 3am local time to ensure we dont miss it lol.)

    We could pull off a t5 or t6 Raid. We enuff heavier hitters. But for further inclusion, we do mostly t4.

    If anyone is interested in checking us out without comitting we do have an 'after hours' hang out. Its open to WD and the public.

    My LINE ID is Gruffles69. Look me up and I'll add you.
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    OK, I have finally secured guild funding and can now offer the next five recruits a free toaster! ;)

    We are growing nice and steady. Get in on the ground floor!
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    3 toasters left...
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    Any toasters free? o:)
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    2 left! =)
  • WD_Santana
    15 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    This was a merged post and seemed redundant.

    Come join the family fun!
    Post edited by WD_Santana on
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    Well, its been about a month since we began this journey (someone will check the date and correct me, but please, bare with me here...)

    We now have 27 members. A couple new 80+ Hitters, as well as a couple padawon. More importantly, not one single member has left since we broke our chains to foresake tyranny.

    We are taking on a t5 raid and after will do a t3 where the big boys and girls lay low and finish at the bottom. That way everyone has a chance at top raid positions.

    We clear donations faster that it took me to say we clear donations.

    Wrath's Demise.

    You final destination...

    Santana ~ Wrath's Demise
    Game ID: 116-848-521
    LINE ID: gruffles69
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    am still waiting for my toaster
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