Mayday! Mayday! SOS! Insufficient storage, error, Eternal loading cantina walk around solution!

This is not an issue solution, its just a walk around to give you access to the game. Its not perfect, but its working. I successfully recovered my 800 xp to 80 lvl account yesterday.

1. You need to know your smartphone ID. Not ally code, not IMEI - android ID.

* Android ID is randomly generated ID after restoring to factory settings, so never do this when trying to save your guest account.

2. Go to Google Play and type in search - android id. there should be apk 'Divice ID' or Android ID Information - install and open it.

3. Your goal is to read and write down Secure ID. This is how your phone is introducing itself to servers, applications etc.

4. Now you need PC, because we are going to make your PC introducing itself with the same name as your phone!

5. Two PC applications you are going to find, download and install.

- first Bluestacks with superuser

- second BSTweaker 3.1.2 or higher.

6. Now install and download both.

7. Run BSTweaker and open your notepad - write in blank file your Android ID, copy and paste to BSTweaker.

8. press Ok, and check if BStweaker is displaying your Android ID, right down corner - set your device or something similar (not sure if it's necessary).

9. Use BSTweak option - Run BlueStack - it will start Android emulator on your pc.

10. Now - go to Google play, install Play Game, install SW: GoH

11. Open and play.

12. Remember UI is designed for touching, using mouse can be a little bit frustrating at the beginning but the most important thing is that you can play while EA will be working solving another issue.

Please leave a comment if anyone succeeded.

And I would like to thank our moderator GummyBearKing248 for letting me know that two letters can be noticed as swearing even if it's software name of an option! Thank you very much.
Ally Code: 916 394 561
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