Gray Jédi Knights Looking to Fill Spots! (Even Accepting Small Merger)

The Gray Jédi Kinghts have a good 15 spots needing to be filled. The vast majority of our members are active and we would like the numbers to have more raid currency and run higher raids faster for that coveted high-tier gear.

Low level? No problem! We want to help players get what they need to level up quicker and build a solid character roster.

If you're interested, please message me or send me an ally request. Hope to have you as a Gray Jédi Knight!

-- Knarmor
Leader, Gray Jédi Knights
Ally Code: 119-768-671


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    Merge with KøR imperials. We can already complete T7 raids easily. We just need to fill our numbers, so a merge with us is to your best interest.

    1. T7 raid rewards.
    2. Access to the knowledge and experience of the KøR elite.
    3. Access to the strategy chat room.
    4. Acquire Raid strategy.
    5. Acquire Arena strategy.
    6. Acquire team builds strategy.

    Message me on the Line app.
    My ID is FearlessFrank.
    My ally code is 598747152.
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    Fearless, I think you missed what I was saying or didn't even read it.

    I have a guild and was looking for people to join my guild, not disband it.

    We have a good 25 members, so I don't think you'd be able to accommodate us anyway.

    Sorry man.
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    We're also working on a merger into our guild right now.
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