Time for Rex to become farmable?

I mean in an F2P way, not like he is in the shipments way. With the launch of new ultra hard raid, us F2P players are left behind drastically. Maybe you guys consider making Rex farmable so that we can compete? Thanks in advance. Appreciate the work you guys have been doing so far...


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    It won't happen, they make too much money on that one toon and I hope they don't because I was one of them. :neutral:
  • Kitch
    171 posts Member
    It's more likely to happen around the time Rogue One's released as new characters will be introduced and sought after.
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    I paid for him via shipments. You can still do this ftp, it'll just take a while.
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    Yeah the currency here is time, with that much change in game mechanics no one has that time to spent on just one toon anymore. And believe me you will also want people with deep rosters and Rex in your guild to complete heroic AAT. There are not that much whales in this game to fill out every guild, so we also need strong F2P players.
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    Partially off topic but is Rex the most useful toon In the game? Except from the fact he cant do dark side battles and faction exclusive events (mod challenges) he's so useful in raids, arena, GW the main aspects of the game. I doubt they'll give their most precious toon to us for free
  • NotMatt
    68 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Chromium toons always become farmable eventually, about the time new chromium toons come out. So far these new Rogue One toons have only been available in events like daily login or tourneys. Plus we have only seen 3 of them, there will be more. Once the full catalog of Rogue One toons has rolled out, some will be farmable and some will be chromium, and current chromium toons like Rex will become farmable. Just because a toon is chromium doesn't mean it will never be farmable. Chromium is just a way to farm a toon earlier than everyone else. EA_Jesse even confirmed this in his interview recently.
  • Jetlife
    1367 posts Member
    He will be farmable. But hopefully not soon. He is going to be the worst for the game if everybody has him
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    He will be farmable, otherwise the devs lied to our face. When, is the better question.
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    Honestly, making Rex farmable makes a lot of sense. With General Kenobi coming out and having the best debuff cleanse there is, Rex doesn't really seem as valuable anymore, and therefore not worth the money to spend to get him. Why spend a bunch of money only to end up using him for 1-2 months before you finally have a solid GK to use in his place?

    I definitely see why he should be farmable, and it makes sense to make him farmable now, but I wouldn't expect to see it until people start unlocking GK and he isn't needed as much anymore.
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    Rex will be farmable once he's nerfed. Patience.
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    I hope they keep Rex in shipments or at the most put him in one hard node costing 20 energy.
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    Hopefully so or they should at least make the characters that aren't available to farm appear to buy with real money for a reasonable price. I miss the days where they did good character packs like the Assassin Droids one.
  • TyloRen
    381 posts Moderator
    He is farmable, it just happens to be the slowest farm there is. It should stay that way.
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    It will happen soon. I will guess before the new year.
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    If I'm right, there will be no shards from the new cantina, and LS/DS stages (besides 1st for LS/DS). This is pretty annoying, as there is nobody new to go for, especially when we waited all of this time for a new stage. I hope that some of the gear in the hard battles isn't hard only (I didn't check), but that would be the absolute worst grind in the game ever.
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