Playable character wishlist

Hello, everyone I am new here, but I am Level 79 on Heroes and love the game. I couldn't find a thread for character wishlists so decided to start one. I know I have a massive wishlist and would also be interested to see other peoples wishlists :) I would also like to speculate on who is likely to be added to the game. Here goes...

Mother Talzin (Perhaps they should do a Night Sister event where you can unlock her.)
Separatist Commando Droid (Perhaps unlockable by a Separatist event)
Admiral Trench
Wat Tambor
Dart D'nar
Pong Krell
Riff Tamson
General Kalani
Nahdar Vebb
Aurra Sing
Chata Hyoki
Atai Molec
Miraj Scintel
Keeper Agrus
Rish Loo
Jar Jar
Pre Vizsla
Bo Katan
Jabba (Yes he really could work, he could throw food, he packs a good punch and can hold weapons)
Ki Adi Mundi
Oppo Rancisis
Coleman Trebor
Coleman Kccaj
Tera Sinube
Sasee Tiin
Dr Nuvo Vindi
Little Rabbit droid
Morallo Eval
Rako Hardeen
Neimodian Soldier
Nikto Thug
Hondo Ohnaka
Kanan Jarrus (Can't believe Rebels characters aren't in the game yet)
Grand Inquisitor
Seventh Sister
Fifth Brother
Eighth Brother
General Loathsom
Mar Tuuk
Lok Durd
Mass Ammeda
King Rash
Saw Guerra
Meebur Gascon
Lom Pyke
Latts Razzi
Captain Argyuss
Grievous's Doctor
B1 Commander
Geonosian Zombie
Queen Karina (although technically she would probably work better as raid)
Bad Batch
Sgt Slick
Even Piell
Gotal Bounty Hunter
Tee Vaa
Quinlan Vos
Sy Snootles
Lott Dod
Demolition Droid
Osi Sobeck
Citadel Commando Droid with shield
Bad Barris Offee
Dark Yoda
and I am going to end the list there although I am sure I have missed some out :P


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    I can assure you that .01% of that list will be added...that being R2 :smile:

    Pong Krell needs to come out.

    BTW, there are a bunch of threads on wanted toons.
    I am the Reaper
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    Did you just list the entire star wars universe?
  • NotMatt
    68 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Is that it? Haha.

    Personally I'd like to see senator organa, SW Rebels toons (Ezra's light saber blaster combo please!!!), light side droids, more bounty hunters, and of course Jedi Luke. And Snoke!
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    I think you missed some characters :)
    Some are really funny thought, like, "grievous doctor", "father", "son", "daughter" ??
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    The Mortis characters and I forgot what the Doctor Droid was called from Lair of Grievous.

    No I didn't list the full Star Wars Universe, do you want me to? ;)

    Jesse acknowledged Rebels in the most recent interview so there is a good chance we might get them someday, assuming the game in still up and running by then, Disney have a habit of cancelling things.

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    NotMatt wrote: »
    Is that it? Haha.

    Personally I'd like to see senator organa, SW Rebels toons (Ezra's light saber blaster combo please!!!), light side droids, more bounty hunters, and of course Jedi Luke. And Snoke!
    Lol i cant believe i found someome that actually likes that dumb lightsaber
    where is darth jar jar?
  • NotMatt
    68 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Astrid1381 wrote: »
    NotMatt wrote: »
    Is that it? Haha.

    Personally I'd like to see senator organa, SW Rebels toons (Ezra's light saber blaster combo please!!!), light side droids, more bounty hunters, and of course Jedi Luke. And Snoke!
    Lol i cant believe i found someome that actually likes that dumb lightsaber

    To each his own! I didn't say I liked the character.. although if he goes dark side I may like him more. But I thought that dumb lightsaber was inventive and different, which is why I like it. It's not the same old lightsaber everyone else has.
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    I noticed no Max Rebo. Your list is invalid.
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    Carbonari wrote: »
    I noticed no Max Rebo. Your list is invalid.


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    "I couldn't find a character wish list" bruh there's one like every month. Regardless;
    Darth bane
    Darth nihlus
    Darth revan
    Jedi luke
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    I am all for more Legends characters, we need more Sith, the Jedi outnumber them by far on Heroes.
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    Wat Tambor won me tickets to opening night, 70mm imax showing of TFA so I have a special place in my heart for him.
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    Wow. So you listed about 100 characters I never even heard of, and didn't even list General Hux, one of the most important characters in the highest grossing film of all time.
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    NotMatt wrote: »
    Astrid1381 wrote: »
    NotMatt wrote: »
    Is that it? Haha.

    Personally I'd like to see senator organa, SW Rebels toons (Ezra's light saber blaster combo please!!!), light side droids, more bounty hunters, and of course Jedi Luke. And Snoke!
    Lol i cant believe i found someome that actually likes that dumb lightsaber

    To each his own! I didn't say I liked the character.. although if he goes dark side I may like him more. But I thought that dumb lightsaber was inventive and different, which is why I like it. It's not the same old lightsaber everyone else has.
    Yeah actually disney "reworked"the lightsaber due to bad fan reactions to the saber also i have to agree i want him and maul to kill the crew (except hera,i like her)
    where is darth jar jar?
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    please add baby luke skywalker and baby leia
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  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Please add citizen #3 from season 5 episode 4 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. They are an integral part of the star wars universe and its embarrassing that they haven't been added to the game.
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    Jedi Luke and Revan would be the top picks (both Jedi Revan and Darth Revan versions).
    Also Mace Windu, Boba Fett and Darth Maul would be nice to have as playable characters. (if you didnt get the sarcasm, i listed them because they are iconic chars that are so bad, you cant even say they are PLAYABLE with a straight face)
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    What about **** kicking 9's
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    Ledinis wrote: »
    Also Mace Windu, Boba Fett and Darth Maul would be nice to have as playable characters. (if you didnt get the sarcasm, i listed them because they are iconic chars that are so bad, you cant even say they are PLAYABLE with a straight face)

    I don't know about Mace or Maul, but I say Boba is playable with a straight face.

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    It's about time they added Scrolling Epilogue as a character.
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    What about **** kicking 9's
    He means the traitor killing stormtrooper of sick spins
    where is darth jar jar?
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