AAT Raid Feedback

Greeting @EA_Jesse and @CG_Kozispoon ,

I am a guild leader of a top 75-200 guild and would probably be considered a low end whale. My guild is made of a group of players who spend a good amount to free to play. I just wanted provide some constructive feedback and thoughts about the new raid after several days playing it now in hopes to improve the gaming experience for all SWGOH players. First off I like the design of the raid. I think the character designs and animations are very well done, although I do think the enemy animations do need to sped up a little. I like how each phase of the raid is unique, provides a challenge, and sound strategy to maximize your results. I think the difficulty of the Heroic is good and rewards those players with deep rosters. My guild tried heroic and I quickly realized that we were not ready for it and that's fine it gives us a goal to work towards. We are currently on day 6 of our normal raid are about half way through phase 3. This leads me to my biggest concern with the new raid which is wasted raid tickets since we are at the cap. We are going to lose several days worth of tickets before we complete this raid and be able to start to a new one. I like to maximize our guild resources as I'm sure most other guilds do so I'd like to provide some suggestions of how it could be improved.

My first suggestion would be to reduce the health pools of each phase of the normal raid by 25% which should allow people to be able to complete it at a quicker pace and reduce the amount of wasted raid tickets. My next suggestion for the normal tier which I've seen posted a couple times on the forums would be to allow unlimited attempts with the roster refreshing every 24 hours. This would allow those players with deeper rosters to take full advantage of them and may prevent people from leaving lesser guilds because they don't feel like they are making any progress.

My next suggestion would to provide lower tiers of the AAT raid that provide reduced rewards. Maybe an easy tier that costs 70K in tickets that still provides the exclusive raid gear at lower totals. A very easy tier or tier 4 that costs 60K but gave out the same rewards as tier 6 Rancor raid.

Thank you for your time and hopefully you take these suggestions into consideration to improve the new raid.


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    Since I'm 81 level with gear VIII and 7 stars, I can't even completed terms I played weekend. Our team reduced 2%. It is awful battle.
    So both Tank Takedown normal and Heroic modes are very very very annoying because it takes like one year to complete. Developers are the awful bad genius!
    Yes, it is huge pain! I wish they replace something easier because I don't enjoy torturing for a long time!
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