BST time to GMT.

How will this effect my payouts and free energy? Will I move to a different payout time earlier than 1800 or will it just be later for me? I assume it will just be earlier. Can anyone confirm please?


  • Apo
    60 posts Member
    I guess your guild activity time renains the same.
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    It will be earlier for your new time
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    If you mean you are moving timezones then "nothing". the game is set to the timezone you started in and that is where it will stay. You will be at a different time in the new timezone, but the game will think you are still in the original one.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    If you mean you are moving timezones then "nothing". the game is set to the timezone you started in and that is where it will stay. You will be at a different time in the new timezone, but the game will think you are still in the original one.

    Staying in the same time zone. Just the usual daylight saving change.
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    Thanks for the replys but does anyone have an answer from personal experience?
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    My refreshes happen at 7am/pm and 1am/pm. I believe it was at 6 & 12 before the time change
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    I'm in the U.K and my reset times are at 1am. Yet my girlfriends reset is at midnight! But we're both on same time zone so I've no idea why that is??
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    I'm in the U.K and my reset times are at 1am. Yet my girlfriends reset is at midnight! But we're both on same time zone so I've no idea why that is??

    Did you start the game in different county's?
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    Everything moves back one hour, everything.
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