Suggestion: Mod daily challenges

As you are probably aware, most of the "useful" toons are currently attached to cantina nodes, requiring cantina energy. Mods, which you now need a lot of, are also needing cantina energy to acquire. Cantina energy is the slowest to gain as well. Still keep the battles and challenges for those who want to max the chance for a rare mod.

My suggestion is this. Just like daily challenges we have daily mod challenges, 5 free goes at acquiring a mod.

This could be a case of doing it by shape. Each day you have a different shape and then on Sunday you can have a go at all 6 shapes.

This could be 4 tiers, 1-2*, 2-3*, 3-4*, 4-5* and then a level 85 5*. with some credits or something or just straight up 1*, 2*, 3* (etc)

You get a mod but the colour, primary and type is random (also rarity if 4-5* obviously) just the shape is that days shape.
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