KoR Retribution is Seeking Friendly, Team-Oriented Players

We're a well established guild that promotes a team based environment. With the recent updates we've had a few of our heavy hitters depart, as most guilds have, and now we're looking to reload a bit. We are *not* currently capable of clearing a Heroic AAT, but are working towards that goal. T7 Rancor still a breeze.

Requirements :

Line App for communications is a must.
Please be level 80 or higher.
600 Energy Contribution a Day.
We require a roster of at least 20 7*, G10 Toons
Be actively working on toons that impact the new AAT raid (Wiggs, Counter-Jedi's, Jawas)
Be willing to post Screen Shots in Line when asked. Yes, this is tedious, but it's simply easier to manage in our opinion.
Have a sense of humor! Bonus points for those that provide the officers with beer
or cookies ;)

Add me on Line if interested. ID is : Dantefire107
- R.I.P. Carrie Fisher -


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