Guild Looking to Merge (All Levels 75+, though over half are 79+)

Were are on the cusp of being able to play heretic Rancor raids, and doing a pretty slow job on the AAT Tank Raids currently.

Looking to possible merge 25-30 players of our guild with another guild.

Message me here if you are interested and we can discuss details and possibilities from there.


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    I have 4 members in a small guild currently seeking a merge into a larger guild. 3 players level 80+ and one member currently level 69 but growing fast. We are casual players but active every day. My player code is 584-235-329. We just want to stay together wherever we go. We will actively participate in raids.

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    MP83 cypher, our guild is currently doing T6 easily but need more people to do T 7. I have about 25 members in my guild so if we merge we can have a full member guild and will be able to do T 7. Most players are level 80+ and some are 65+ but growing fast. Give a shout if you're interested.
  • Jv04
    3 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    We are currently looking for a guild to merge with. We complete T 7 once every 2 days we have 26 members. And all of us are level 80+
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    Hey you guys, if you want to be a part of TeamSkunk, we do have enough space to accommodate your entire guild and provide resources to grow and take on the AAT raid head on.

    If you guys are interested to be a part of the TeamSkunk community be sure to message me.
  • DarkDane
    176 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Dark Empire Reloaded are open for deal

    We kill rancor t7 easely and real fast
    Our timezone: Central European Time, Raids always start at 19:30 CET.

    Pm me here
    Or add me on line, id dydane
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    Could you provide some more detail about your guilds player level? Are your top players 80+ with at least 5-10 toons G9+?
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    Your guild is the perfect size to merge with us we are 25 (: we are a laid back group who JUST moved into T7 rancor (: line is garrettmatt624
  • MP83_Cypher
    219 posts Member
    edited January 2017
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