F2P ($0) Players: Where do you spend your crystals?

4 posts Member
edited January 2016
What give the best bang for your buck energy / time / effort?
  1. Saving them up to buy Chromium Data Packs? (Hoping for an awesome 4* character drop)
  2. Resetting Hard Mission timeouts? (To get more shards of your key characters)
  3. Buying character shards from Shipments?
  4. Buying Training droids from Shipments?
  5. Purchasing Energy?
    1. To get more character shards
    2. To get more equipment / items
  6. Purchasing Cantina Energy?
    1. To get more character shards
    2. To get more equipment / items

Whether you've done careful calculations, or go by your gut, let us know!
./ddd  ($0.00 L61, rank ~450)


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    Not really FTP as I've spent all together around $30... But only on crystals. Consequently, all my crystals go to energy refreshes and the occasional training droid buy. I'll never buy a chromium pack -
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    What if you spend $5? Is that F2P? What about $1?

    What if you get $20 in Google credit, but it's not actually cash?

    What if someone else buys it for you?

    What if you pay someone $50 to give you $60 of their Google credit towards your account? Is that F2P?

    What if you spend $50, but then get it refunded?
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    my plan originally was 1 but after 1x4 and 2x8 (I bought 2x7day crystal subs and Dooku pack) I decided its just really stupid. I was hoping I could slowly build chromium heroes but it just doesnt work. The best is to do 4 and 5 based on your Arena rank. I currently do 2x Cantina and 2x regular refills and I am slowly dropping in crystals. I think the guide in the guide section for F2P said to do 2x regular and 1x cantina until 40 and then do 2x Cantina and as many regular as you can afford and want to to farm gear. I believe that to be correct and sound advise. I would drop a regular refill myself if I wasnt trying to push for 70 to keep up with the top 10 in my server.
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    One cantina and two normal energy refreshes per day
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    Techincally $5, $50 or $100 isnt f2p but when people say p2p, they usually mean the guys that spend hundreds or thousands to get characters like leia, qgj, maul, lando, etc to 6 or 7*. I see f2p players as those who dont have chromium only characters over 6* (unless they get lucky on one multiple times).
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    1x Cantina refill and 4x normal refills per day (but I score in top5, wouldn't have crystals for that otherwise).
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    Buy 1x chromium pack, regret, never buy again.

    2-3 energy refresh
    1x cantina refresh
    1x squad arena refresh(depends on some of the people that hates being pushed down by me)
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    Im not fully f2p as i bought the droid starter and 1 crystal chest early on, for that early acceleration. Havent spent since though, but through Arena squad rewards i do 4 energy and 2 cantina refreshes. Definitely dont buy chromiums, i bought 1 and now realise it was a mistake, they are only worth it if your a total whale as even if you pull say, QGJ you have no way to farm

    Energy is the way do go, as by far the highest return on investment in terms of toon power is through gear. You pick droids up as a bonus, and level your character more

    Cantina is also good as you in effect get double shards through the shipments, xp, ability mats and droids too.
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    The problem with the chromiums is, yes you might have luck and draw an awesome 4*...and then. To be competetive they have to be starred up to 5*, 6* or even 7*. This will take a lot of time and a lot of luck too.

    So, as already mentioned:
    1-2 Cantina refills
    2-5 Energy refills
    Sometime for more tries in squad arena.

    This depends on my current priorities :)
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    Benr3600 wrote: »
    One cantina and two normal energy refreshes per day

    +1 for this - exactly what I do
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    I saved for a 4 pack chromium. Got Jedi Anakin. Now I just refresh energy once a day and save for single chromiums. Thinking of starting to just do energy and squad arena refresh, but idk yet.
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    Usually rock

    1x Cantina refresh
    1-2x Regular energy refills (depending what I am grinding for that day)

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    Bought the 8 chromium pack a while ago and got 3* IG-88. He's at 5* now. Would use them for refreshes but it would take ages to build up a decent amount because crystal rewards aren't great.
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    I usually just save my shards up, and every now and then when I'm on a hot streak of collecting parts to craft items, I'll go and refill my energy for 50 shards once or twice. Once it hits 100, I usually stop there and just hit whatever other challenge or battle that I can get into. I have over 1k shards that I've saved for the past 2 weeks.
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    Cantina refresh. Energy refresh. Arena shipment refresh. Sometimes shipment refresh if a purple I need is there. Sometimes a hard battles refresh if I am close to unlocking a star or character.

    But always refreshes. Best bet to get ahead.
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    I bought Chromium packs at first. My thought was to get a bit of a jump start on achievements for Vader. After I got a few toons (12 packs, maybe) I think I'm going to switch to mostly energy refills.

    I did get 3 FOTP shards from the shipments, but I just happened to be 3 shards short of getting him to 2 stars and I'm nowhere close to farming him. It's nice to have him a bit more usable in DS and challenge missions.
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    Not FTP, but I think the answer would be the same if I were one. Energy refills. Depends how high you get in your arena. I'd do two 50 crystals LS/DS missions first, then 100 crystals Cantina. Then more 100 LS/DS refills, if you place top5 or so
  • l3end3r
    895 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Cantina refresh first. Then 2x l/d side refresh. Then a second cantina refresh if I take #1 or 2 in PVP that day and one more l/d side mission if I don't

    It really depends how much you get back from PVP and whether you need lots of gear or not
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    Avathar wrote: »
    The problem with the chromiums is, yes you might have luck and draw an awesome 4*...and then. To be competetive they have to be starred up to 5*, 6* or even 7*. This will take a lot of time and a lot of luck too.

    Right, I hadn't really thought through the issue that in f2p[-ish] mode further promotion to >=5* of any lucky drop chromium characters would be hard.
    1+ Cantina refills
    2+ Energy refills
    ...Thanks to all for the wisdom. My biggest challenge from here on will be getting better arena rank for more daily crystals. (Assembling a sybiotic team should help)

    F2P / $0 / $50 / ...
    Right, I just meant not staying on the payola train ;)

    I put $0 in the subject line for accessibility to non-hardcore gamers.
    ...I'm hardcore Star Wars, not harcore gamer, so I've been looking up a lot of acronyms at urbandictionar since joining.
    ...not me --->. B)


    ./ddd  ($0.00 L61, rank ~450)
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