The Seventeenth order-- a new guild for players level 74+

THE SEVENTEENTH ORDER is a brand new guild looking for strong Members to participate in raiding and building guild currency. We left an inactive guild that the leader had not logged on to in weeks. We set the level minimum to level 73 to try and reach people that have strong rosters. We will be doing the raid in which we can handle right away. our top six member can do a 5 in just over a day by themselves so a few more strong members and we can do sixes with a full active 50 being able to do heroic. We will not look to kick people out for not getting 600 every day, but will ask that you do it on days you can. especially the days it doesn't cost extra gems. we also won't kick you out for having a busy few days, or letting us know first you are going on a vacation, but if you are inactive for weeks without letting anyone know we will have to boot. I will also promote those that seem to help out the most in guild chat and also those who participate the most.
We like to give advice and share strategies as to make the guild better as well. This is one reason our top people have gotten so much better and why we created a new guild.
Guild name: THE SEVENTEENTH ORDER or send me an ally request: Dye Vaded 514-284-761
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