Finally beat normal tank raid

447 posts Member
edited November 2016
After 13 days, we finally beat the normal difficulty of this raid. And unfortunately, we are heading straight back into the torture of it again bc we've been maxed on raid tickets since day 3 of the raid.

Not going to lie, this raid isn't fun at all. A majority of our guild after the first 3-4 days decided to just hit the auto button. The animations take FOREVER and it's just an incredibly slow grind.

And, with it taking 13 days to complete the first time and while I placed 5th in my guild, getting only 3 sets of 12 salvage makes me think it'll be at least 2 months out to have a chance to gear up 1 toon. And that's provided RNG is on our side with rewards.

I know that over time our guild will get stronger overall and it'll take less time... But this is by far more discouraging to battle than battling each other in the rancor raid. At least in the rancor raid we can finish in a reasonable time. We can also take turns placing where we want to in order to allow others to place higher.

I really hope this raid gets tweaked over time. Or that lower tiers are made available. I can't even imagine what a lower lvl guild is going through right now. I would consider my guild to be fairly strong... Yet we struggled mightily in this raid and nobody really had fun after the first couple of days.


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    We started the 1st night as of today 1/4 of the way thru phase 3! Unreal..we do rancor 7 in hour and a half!
  • StarSon
    7521 posts Member
    We manage to drag our Rancor raid out for several hours after hits begin, but are sitting at 70% left in p4. We may have finished today, but I know several of us (myself included) have stopped caring and most days auto if we hit at all.
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    Same here good luck!
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    We started normal tank raid at launch and are almost into p2. Half the guild doesn't even try anymore
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    same here I do one team then get bored
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    They need teirs like rancor 1-6 than heroic!
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    We started the 1st night as of today 1/4 of the way thru phase 3! Unreal..we do rancor 7 in hour and a half!

    The difference in the raids are that you can get 2-3 big hitters to bankroll the Rancor raid and carry a large group of average roster players.

    The tank raid requires stronger rosters across the board because damage required far exceeds that of the Rancor; and the level of difficulty has been amped up.

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    I don't know anymore how many days we're on. But we're are still on phase 2 at 1.28% left.
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    We are on our second run. It is going by much faster. People learned squads that work in each phase. We have been using rancor runs to gear those squads. Farming toons to fill in the gaps on squads that are good that we might not have complete.

    It feels better the second time.
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    I think a suitable alternative to this raid would be having lower tiers as stated. Without the new raid gear that the t6 and t7 rewards. Have lower tiers for the AAT raid and have the same rewards as the equivalent Rancor t1-t5 raid would have. More likely the ones using the lower tiers would need the gear from the rancor raid more than they would need the newer gear available from the t6 and t7 rewards.
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    If half your guild gave up or most stopped caring....
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    tmntguy86 wrote: »
    After 13 days, we finally beat the normal difficulty of this raid. And unfortunately, we are heading straight back into the torture of it again bc we've been maxed on raid tickets since day 3 of the raid.

    Not going to lie, this raid isn't fun at all. A majority of our guild after the first 3-4 days decided to just hit the auto button. The animations take FOREVER and it's just an incredibly slow grind.

    And, with it taking 13 days to complete the first time and while I placed 5th in my guild, getting only 3 sets of 12 salvage makes me think it'll be at least 2 months out to have a chance to gear up 1 toon. And that's provided RNG is on our side with rewards.

    I know that over time our guild will get stronger overall and it'll take less time... But this is by far more discouraging to battle than battling each other in the rancor raid. At least in the rancor raid we can finish in a reasonable time. We can also take turns placing where we want to in order to allow others to place higher.

    I really hope this raid gets tweaked over time. Or that lower tiers are made available. I can't even imagine what a lower lvl guild is going through right now. I would consider my guild to be fairly strong... Yet we struggled mightily in this raid and nobody really had fun after the first couple of days.

  • JPBrunel
    821 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    TheRHOMBUS wrote: »
    What would you change about the AAT that you've finished it....
    ....Grats btw...boring?...yes...but an accomplishment nonetheless.

    Personally, if the devs don't want to nerf the bosses, then I'd give them about 1/3 of their current HP. Our guild is almost done with p3. By the time we finish this torturous, boring raid, it will have been slightly over two weeks. So by having only 1/3 of its current HP the raid would still take 5 days to complete, which is still too long really, but at least it's reasonable. Now we're so far out of the realm of reasonable, it's crazy! I don't even feel like starting another one when we're done! This raid made me realize how much fun Rancor is... And we get paid in the same day!
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    Congrats! It does get easier. It took us 10 days to finish the normal raid our first go around. We may finish in 7 this time. Finding out which teams work for certain phases will allow you to start shaving refreshes off. We finish P1 in 2 refreshes now. Keep grinding. That's what this game is all about. Enjoy the small victories where you can find them my friend.
    Intergalactic space slugs are recruiting. Pm me if interested in entering the slug life. ~°° ♡
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    My guild beat phase one in 13 days. (Only 16 real 6* plus players and our six nice low level friends)
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    By the time we get to phase three I will have six star scavenger dathcha and greedo
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    We finally hit phase 4 yesterday.. I'm having to beg people to attack it..

    Many of us are going to be getting close to 7 star Han Solos... Tough decisions ahead, my guild has good participation and is a great group.. but at least 1/2 of it is not ready.. I know we're going to lose some of our stronger players.
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    Started day 1...just entered Phase 3 far I takes us a week per phase...and yeah pretty much everyone is hitting auto now if they hit it at all...
  • Widget_gadget
    875 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Melvil wrote: »
    Started day 1...just entered Phase 3 far I takes us a week per phase...and yeah pretty much everyone is hitting auto now if they hit it at all...

    This is sad. I was just looking over some old posts. On may 14th I posted a thread calling for the first guild merger to take on the heroic rancor raid. There was no way at the time we could complete the heroic raid alone, BUT we weren't taking 2 weeks to finish t6 either.
    this raid is exponentially harder than the rancor raid at its release.
    And if you remember mods were added during rancor raid allowing teams to get MUCH stronger almost immediately. we're going to need t6 and t7 mods + a cap raise to 90 before people are comfortably finishing the tank takedown.
    Intergalactic space slugs are recruiting. Pm me if interested in entering the slug life. ~°° ♡
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    We finished it finally. Gear is **** for the amount of time invested. I rather do heroic and fail than do 2 weeks of that **** again
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    Congratulations on your first completion. We just started our second ... who are these people kidding, it doesn't get any easier. I don't even care about gearing the right squads anymore. With the time it takes to complete, there is no benefit. More fun to gear my favorites. TF Pilot is getting my attention right now, just because.
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    Thank you for the congrats from you guys. Sorry to hear so many are struggling even more than our guild did through your first run.

    As to what I would change? A few ideas:
    1) Add more tiers for lower lvl guilds.

    2) Increase rewards. It's much to long of a grind for the little amount we get.

    3) And what may be among the most important Imo, get rid of the insanely long animations. It's unbelievable how long it takes to do .5%-2% damage in this raid due to the animations involved. Nobody's got time for that. This is the biggest reason most members of my guild hit the auto button.

    4) Possibly decrease the HP. Not saying rancor easy. But this seems excessive to me. Especially for how little we get rewarded for the long battle.
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    Congratulations on your first completion. We just started our second ... who are these people kidding, it doesn't get any easier. I don't even care about gearing the right squads anymore. With the time it takes to complete, there is no benefit. More fun to gear my favorites. TF Pilot is getting my attention right now, just because.

    I disagree. I think it is easier. Our second T6 is going much faster than the first. One reason is that we've had two weeks of gearing/starring characters. Advancement helps. Second, we've tried out various teams and strategies, discussed them, read what others have found out, and know better what works.The bigger issue is making sure everyone gets involved and doesn't just get frustrated and give up on the raid. That's the bigger problem.
  • StarSon
    7521 posts Member
    Congratulations on your first completion. We just started our second ... who are these people kidding, it doesn't get any easier. I don't even care about gearing the right squads anymore. With the time it takes to complete, there is no benefit. More fun to gear my favorites. TF Pilot is getting my attention right now, just because.
    The bigger issue is making sure everyone gets involved and doesn't just get frustrated and give up on the raid. That's the bigger problem.

    This is the bigger problem because it is not fun. It is long, boring, and frustrating. And to make matters worse, the rewards are complete junk.
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    TheRHOMBUS wrote: »
    What would you change about the AAT that you've finished it....
    ....Grats btw...boring?...yes...but an accomplishment nonetheless.

    Aside from the obvious of making tiers 1-6 (plus heroic) and adjusting the rewards appropriately, I'd completely redo General Grievous. There is nothing fun about Phase 1 and Phase 3 and it's because of him. I'd remove all the completely **** mechanics like Raging Assault that allows him to attack through forsight and not trigger counters and remove the "Tactical Maneuvering" that allows him and another ally to gain 100% turn meter after the 10th time he takes damage. These are lazy mechanics that nobody enjoys. I'd reduce his speed some and reduce how often Grevious Pain can be used. Whoever thought people would enjoy seeing stacks and stacks of DOTs on all of their characters all the time doesn't understand gamers. It's pretty clear that people aren't going to be happy when they have to clear all the DOTs and status down on Akbar's very first turn only to have twice as many DOT's and status down on your team before Akbar's second turn. That's a pretty obvious sign that DOTs are occurring too often.

    Baleful Laugh also needs a longer cooldown. The Speed Down should be 50% chance same as Tenacity down and it should be possible to evade it as well.

    My alliance has completed a few of the tank raids and we all agree that Phase 2 and 4 can be fun and there are some nice little strategies and game mechinics in there. Nobody wants to even play the raid though because Phase 1 and 3 are like pulling fingernails off our fingers slowly, one by one. Nobody likes watching the enemy attack over and over and over again and stacks of negative statuses and DOTs piling on turn after turn after turn. This is equivalent to being spawn camped over and over and over again in a old school first person shooter. It's not fun and it encourages people to log off and quit playing.
    RWTD_Burn - Bears with Sabers
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    RWTD_Burn wrote: »
    TheRHOMBUS wrote: »
    What would you change about the AAT that you've finished it....
    ....Grats btw...boring?...yes...but an accomplishment nonetheless.

    Aside from the obvious of making tiers 1-6 (plus heroic) and adjusting the rewards appropriately, I'd completely redo General Grievous. There is nothing fun about Phase 1 and Phase 3 and it's because of him. I'd remove all the completely **** mechanics like Raging Assault that allows him to attack through forsight and not trigger counters and remove the "Tactical Maneuvering" that allows him and another ally to gain 100% turn meter after the 10th time he takes damage. These are lazy mechanics that nobody enjoys. I'd reduce his speed some and reduce how often Grevious Pain can be used. Whoever thought people would enjoy seeing stacks and stacks of DOTs on all of their characters all the time doesn't understand gamers. It's pretty clear that people aren't going to be happy when they have to clear all the DOTs and status down on Akbar's very first turn only to have twice as many DOT's and status down on your team before Akbar's second turn. That's a pretty obvious sign that DOTs are occurring too often.

    Baleful Laugh also needs a longer cooldown. The Speed Down should be 50% chance same as Tenacity down and it should be possible to evade it as well.

    My alliance has completed a few of the tank raids and we all agree that Phase 2 and 4 can be fun and there are some nice little strategies and game mechinics in there. Nobody wants to even play the raid though because Phase 1 and 3 are like pulling fingernails off our fingers slowly, one by one. Nobody likes watching the enemy attack over and over and over again and stacks of negative statuses and DOTs piling on turn after turn after turn. This is equivalent to being spawn camped over and over and over again in a old school first person shooter. It's not fun and it encourages people to log off and quit playing.

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    Congrats! It does get easier. It took us 10 days to finish the normal raid our first go around. We may finish in 7 this time. Finding out which teams work for certain phases will allow you to start shaving refreshes off. We finish P1 in 2 refreshes now. Keep grinding. That's what this game is all about. Enjoy the small victories where you can find them my friend.


    bro speaks troof
    I am the Tard of Tards
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    We went from:
    A) it's tough but interesting cause it's new
    B) it's boring and I just auto it
    C) only a couple of people attack it a day now because they think there's going to be a pot of gold at the end for how hard it is.

    Little do they know...
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    My sympathies, we also finished one two days ago, not much pleasure, that is for sure!
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