Guild improvements

Guild members are more in competition with each other than they are working together. The only real benefit from being in a guild is raid rewards. This could be the main cause of guild hopping. This a a great game feature and really doesn't need reworking, but perhaps adding some incentives to the guild experience.

The gear "donations" do not work. We all need so much of the same gear, we can't give it away. It would be better if a member could request a gear and have guild members fill a request bar to get the reward. Something like 2 pieces for every 10 requests(10 pieces with full 50 requests)

Guild vs guild events. Events can be run like "Daily Activities" within a guild but on a guild vs guild level. Or a "Raid" type boss everyone can fight and add the guild damage together.

Implement a 72 hour no raid Damage no reward period for joining a new guild. Players should not be leaving their guild that often for this to be an issue. I joined a new guild and didn't mind waiting to participate to keep the game fair.

Overall thanks for the great game. I have been playing everyday since shortly after the launch and have watched this game continue to evolve. Keep up the hard work and I look forward to what you have for us in the future.


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    The gear "donations" do not work. We all need so much of the same gear, we can't give it away. It would be better if a member could request a gear and have guild members fill a request bar to get the reward. Something like 2 pieces for every 10 requests(10 pieces with full 50 requests)

    It works for upper to lower if you have newer players coming in. Same level guilds get to a static point. But don't take it away, because in fact it is working in other guilds.

    I like the Guild on Guild Squad Arena like suggestion or Guild with Guild Raid together.

    Just keep in mind your players may see who is stronger and try to join them...
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