For how long will we receive 5000 ally points?

Does anyone know when is the cut off date for the 5000 ally points for finishing daily activities? I'd like to devise a strategy (yea right), but it'd be nice to know when the game will stop giving the 5000 ally points, is it only till this evening when the tournament ends?



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    Never stop, it would be pointless because this is only the second tournament
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    I'd prefer they didn't give any out, not like the whales need yet another advantage as they're the only ones that actually benefit. The rest of us that need to use virtually the same team in every battle are pretty much zeroed out.
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    There is no guarantee that the next tournament will use ally points. Unless a developer confirms it, and I've seen no such confirmation.

    Assuming that nothing will change next time is always a big mistake.
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    i'll take the 5,000 ally points all day long though. i've purchased a heck of a lot of bronzium packs since they started.
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