FREE Kenobi Shards for lvl 85 ACTIVE player in our Top 50 Heroic AAT Guild 'Crazy 88'

15 posts Member
edited December 2016
Probably the most laid back, yet competitive guild you will find on here. Most say its more like a family!
Its drama free and filled with fun and great rewards.

A few of our big players quit the game for good recently which has opened up 2 spots.

What we need from you...

600 daily tickets
25+ 7* Characters at Gear 10 & modded that can score 2% per phase on heroic now or very soon!
Hit the ATT on a regular basis.

I don't care about Rancor or daily activities, there are no silly rules or regulations that the other top guilds impose.

Send me a PM for more details.

Alternatively contact the leader directly - LINE ID = Yourwinner Ally Code = 213-248-988
Post edited by PaulAllenJedi on


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    2 spots left now!!! going to bed shortly, will reply to messages tomorrow.
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    that was quick, 1 left and I can finally get to sleep!
  • Tyler33Troy
    30 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    What is your guild's name?
    Post edited by Tyler33Troy on
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    yes, there is a spot still free. Had a brazillian guy leave to join a brazlian guild due to communication issues.
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    apologies for the confusion bromance!

    Requirements are at least 25 x 7* toons - you need to be able to hit 2% per phase (8% total of raid) to join and take part in the Heroic AAT.

    If youre unsure please drop me a PM with your ally code and ill look into it for you!

    Dont post it on this thread as there are weaker, inferior guilds attempting to impersonate me to add you to their own non heroic guild!!!
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    Spot open again!!!!
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    Guild is Crazy 88 - TOP 100 GUILD
    Add LINE ID - 'Yourwinner' and message directly on there for more information
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    Hey, can I join? Minimal rules are very attractive!
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    I would love to join Crazy 88! The guy who sits at the top of Arena on my server is with your guild. Do you still have a spot free?

    I am more than qualified for your guild. I will PM my details!
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    Thanks for all of the interest, got 1 space left now.
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    Would love to join Crazy 88, I've got 36 X 7* toons highly geared inc jawa My ally code is 635-546-217 I hope the space is free thanks
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    Still have a place remaining, all the benefits & rewards that you get from Team Instinks & Sith Happens but without any of the stress of feeling pressured to spend money, and spend every minute of every day committed to the guild.

    contact the leader directly - LINE ID = Yourwinner Ally Code = 213-248-988
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    Also just to add, Heroic Rancor starts in 2 hours, we then have 150k to launch another plus an additional 30k today

    Heroic AAT to be launched tonight too!
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    No places left now!!!!! PM if you want to be added to the wait list. Thank you so much to everyone that got in touch.
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    1 space left as of right now. If you snooze, you lose!!! ;)
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    Please reach out via LINE as it's checked more frequently.

    Preference also goes to players from either U.K. or US as that is the main mix of guild members we have. Happy to accept other Europeans too, English speaking is quite important.
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    Hi like sound of your guild. U any spaces left? I asked a few weeks bk but missed the boat I'd really like to b part of your team
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