Is the leader of your guild MIA?!?!

59 posts Member
edited November 2016
You'd be surprised how often this happens, you are not alone. Our guild recently went through the same issue! Unfortunately when you do leave to start a new guild you never get as many people as you thought you would. We went from a full guild to just over 25 people. Granted we are all active lvl 80+ now but you still need more people in a guild to get things done.

So I purpose that instead of you and your active guild members braving this cold dark galaxy alone and creating a new guild, why don't you bring all of your members to our guild? We will all be stronger for it, I will talk you through how we can get it done and everyone who you think deserves the rank of officer will receive it. We are the Mos Eisley Cantina Crashers and we are a really strong active guild. We are a casual, mature group of mostly free to play players with no activity requirements or rules, just trying to advance in this game as quickly as we can. Our top 5 guys average 20+ 7 star characters each and the whole guild averages over 10 7 star characters. We are getting through a tier 6 Rancor raid in just under 4 days and our guilds raid resets at midnight MST (GMT - 7).

Do you think we would make a good team? We will be stronger together!

Post edited by RtG_Shadow on


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