An idea to stretch us thinner but with an advantage !

SO we all know the way the game works is to spread resources thin… obvious example is Cantina energy – all chars go there, shares with mods and a slow refresh

Well I have a proposal to actually do the same thing with another resource but hear me out as I think it could actually benefit as well !!!

Allie points…. The new Tournament ‘currency’.. so there have been a lot of posts recently of people asking if they should blow it all on bronziums or save for next pvp tournament… personally after the last tournament I blew about 60k on bronziums and then it dawned on me why the hell did I do that… I mean just look at the rewards !!! very very rare chance of purple gear and the chars are all generally easily farmable and OLD toons..

So my proposal… make bronziums worth it !!! Add in ALL farmable chars… even chance of raid gear and omegas !! This way its actually going to make people think should they save up for next pvp or chance bronziums and pull out Wedge for example… as it stands at the moment I see no reason to open bronziums other than the free ones and Im sure im not alone so we get to the tournament and everyone has 500k+ allie points.. but I would love to see another option to use them on a chance of a decent bronzium drop rather than the dated stuff in there atm


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