Dead Man Ewoking Recruiting! T7 Rancor/Normal Tank (At the Moment) [49/50]

Dead Man Ewoking, a T7 guild full of fun active people from all over the world is looking to recruit some active players who love this game as much as we do.

We run an active chat in Kik and have a forum for members that is chock full of useful information. We currently have 1 open spot. If you are interested in joining one of the most inclusive, well structured, and friendly guilds in the game, shoot me a pm and we will talk.

Here are some more details on our guild:

We have low turnover. Our openings are (unfortunately) the result of some members who have gotten frustrated with the game and stopped playing. We accommodate the fact that people have lives, and do things like take days off or vacation -- we won't boot you or inflict a raid penalty for taking a day off.

We run T7 Rancor raids at least 3x a week. We do a 24 hour registration window, where you can send one toon (and yes, you can do damage) to get on the board and ensure rewards. At the end of those windows, it's free-for-all. Our raid times are 11 am and 5 pm EST -- we alternate between the two.

We are running normal tank raids at the moment, but we are gearing up toward heroic and hope to be there soon.

Our activity reset time is 9:30 pm EST.

There is no requirement that you place in the top 10 of your arena shard, have a 90% collection score, or make sacrifices to RNGesus (though given drop rates for stun cuffs, that might not hurt....). We do require that you join the kik chat, and that you are an active player.

We are looking at making the move from normal to heroic tank as soon as possible, so to that end we are looking for players level 80+, with at least a couple of teams capable of contributing to the tank.

Any questions? Interested? Let us know!


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