Raid Reward bug

After last raid my loot showed up but when i clicked claim all i received was the credits and guild coin but not the loot. I double checked the rewards it claimed i had received (full cuffs, 20 droid callers, 12 or so strength ones) and in my inventory i only have partial cuffs (38/50), partial callers (3/50) and didnt bother to check strength. Is there any way i can receive these rewards?


  • Wix595959
    1 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Same here, I have received only credits and guild coins, but gear partial parts not. There were furnace, cuffs and comlink partials for the third spot of our last heroic pit raid.
    Is there a way to get these rewards?
    Thanks in advance.
    Post edited by Wix595959 on
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    Same here. Reward's gear of the last raid (yesterday) missing.


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    I contacted support and all they were gonna do was give us more raid tokens. Customer support is worthless!!
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    The same thing happened to me on our last raid. I was awarded a full piece of raid gear and some components for another piece but only received credits and Kenobi shards. I have opened a ticket with EA, had them call me and provided screenshots proving I never received the gear items. They claim it's always all or nothing with raid rewards and it's impossible to receive credits but not gear.

    Their service is the worst I have ever experienced. I have asked 3 times to be put in touch with a manager or supervisor but they have completely ignored me. In fact, the last responses from them have been the exact same response, word for word. It's as if they are not even reading my response each time.

    I am tired of this and am more than happy to present my screenshots to a dev @EA_Jesse @BentWookiee to prove I was awarded the items yet never received them.

    We spend enough time, effort, and in some cases money, on this game to be treated so poorly by customer "service" and not receive items that we have worked hard for and are due!
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    Guys, it is a display bug that has been flagged.
    Don't be a ****(4), and follow forum guidelines.
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