Who would win kylo ren or Darth vader

My vote is kylo ren


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    You mean in game or in the canon?

    In game, with all star levels and gear being equal, probably Vader. In canon... also probably Vader.
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    Any of them
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    Vader wins in-game and in the movie. It would have been fun to see. Just think, Anakin cut off Dooku's hands and he's a powerful Sith so imagine how dead poor Kylo would be....
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    Darth Vader, also known as Anakin Skywalker, is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe.[1][2][3] Vader appears in the original trilogy as a pivotal figure, and his past as Anakin Skywalker is central to the prequel trilogy.

    The character was created by George Lucas and has been portrayed by numerous actors. His appearances span the first six Star Wars films, and his character is heavily referenced in Episode VII: The Force Awakens. He is also an important character in the Star Wars expanded universe of television series, video games, novels, literature and comic books. Originally a Jedi prophesied to bring balance to the Force, he falls to the dark side of the Force and serves the evil Galactic Empire at the right hand of his Sith master, Palpatine (also known as Darth Sidious).[4] He is also the father of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa, grandfather of Kylo Ren, and secret husband of Padmé Amidala.

    The American Film Institute listed him as the third greatest movie villain in cinema history on 100 Years... 100 Heroes and Villains, behind Hannibal Lecter and Norman Bates.[5]
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    Kylo Ren was a Force-sensitive human male who trained as a Jedi pupil under Jedi Master Luke Skywalker before turning to the dark side of the Force and joining the Knights of Ren. He was born with the name Ben to Princess Leia Organa and the smuggler Han Solo. In his youth, he displayed traits similar to that of his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker, who had turned to the dark side and became the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Ben, who was sent by Organa to be trained by his uncle, fell under the influence of Supreme Leader Snoke of the First Order and destroyed the new generation of Jedi that Luke Skywalker was training. Skywalker vanished, while Ben took the name Kylo Ren and joined the First Order. His goal was to complete what Darth Vader once started and destroy the Jedi.
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