Best Ship Team

Who has the best synergies? I'm considering Republic at the moment, but what has everyone put together and has found they work best so far?


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    I'm just using the ships with the pilots I've already levelled.
    Ahsoka is a must have, dispelling all buffs on enemy with a big whack of damage too.

    And Poe's guaranteed crit hit on no shield targets is great to one shot those ties
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    My FOTP has been a beast so far. One **** ships and I'm #3 at the moment. My FOTP is 7* all maxed but my ship is only 2*
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    Im currently using Mace windu lead
    I rank number 8 in arena so far
    My findings are that Clone Sargent if you have the charecter at least we'll geared and leveled he is super tanky. More so then Biggs. I use the ability that Mace has that makes a ship taunt on CS to keep my other ships alive and it has been working super well since he can self heal mace ability gives protection and JC ship also heals and gives protection so he last a lot unless my opponent has really really hard hitting ships with all lot od assist.
    Like you might know by now Ahsoka is definitely a game changer I usually take her down first when Im against her she is super Solid and I use her too so I know how she saves the day when your opponent has all that purple protection crap.
    Wedge and Biggs still pack a solid punch in ships so they are good as you might have already imagined.
    JC is actually one of my favorite ships because he has a solid assist attack and can save another ship with a really solid Heal. (Down side to JC is when he is on cool down)
    Resistance Pilot isn't Jaw dropping amazing put like Biggs and Wedge they can pack a punch under certain circumstances.

    This is my experience with these ships again remember everything is relevant to what level, gear, star, and mods you have on your actual toon so my experience may seem like **** to some one else.

    For example I didn't like at all GS or TFP ships because I don't have them leveled or geared
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    I've reviewed the move sets and came to my personal favorite conclusion that the meta will be as follows (Hypothetically if character stats allow, eg speed);

    Akbar Squad; this would include Maul with the Geo ships and bistan U ship to begin with, the reason i think this would be deadly is thanks to the geo spy and maul synergy, with maul taunting sun fac and stealthing the rest of the team, the geo spy all stealth assist in theory I'm hoping will be like the wiggs combo ship equivalent and with those assists Akbar will further increase any crit scored and they also optimize the geo abilities and also the U ship... so after a heavy hitting geo spy ability to thin the ranks sun fac will eventually be killed, this starts the back ups, so first we have biggs who will replace sun fac and become the new "tank" thanks to the high target lock abilities and another maul special taunt ability.. then eventually a geo unit or maul will be killed, this will bring in wedge who completes the rebel synergy and will dish some heavy damage as the shields will be low/deleted after the counters and assist damage have been done, hopefully this demos the enemy but if not I'm thinking mill falcon and the Slave 1 as extra back up which will further assist wedge in deleting the shield so he can score the crits, the reason akbar is even better is thanks to the debuff and protection up ability which he can apply to sun fac/biggs if they get targeted and with the dual attack ability another cheeky stealth combo can be played early.

    A counter from asoka may be deadly for this squad but... republic seem to love buffs which means sun fac taunts at the start of a buffed enemy turn which may work out well.. as long as asoka is killed before biggs is played. Also the complex ability plays (although really cool if true) means this team is very A.I unfriendly so may break on PvP defense also.
    Another problem is speed... If maul is too slow (like his **** character equivalent) or geo spy then an early combo kill will be off the table and thus make this team vulnerable to debuffs etc.

    Appreciate any feed back or your own potential meta.
    Please note this is hypothetical as i have only concluded this from move sets and starting ship stats
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    @LoneWondererNZ love the idea of that team. Another team could be a republic team with Rex his ability "Republic Coordination" is reduced with republic allies.

    Another team I was thinking was making a "Target Lock" Team. Some really good abilities come out if an opponent is target lock. On your main team I believe only U wing would provide that. But genosians don't use target lock.
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    Rotor, SF generates target lock on an assist, and Spy has to have a target lock to call in the assist.
  • Zooey
    1607 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    From playing so far, the lack of dispels and the dearth of damaging abilities means that in the long run, I think a taunt/healing team might be the best.

    Mace lead with Rex, Plo Koon, and Jedi Consular is a must for that strat. I'd probably go Ahsoka and another dps like Boba for the last two, and have dps come off the bench.

    Edit: the absolute worst ships I've seen so far are Clone Sarg, Wedge, and Fives. I don't see them as viable in any strategy really.
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    fives has the only other dispel in game and an unresistable target lock. Hardly the worst ship.
    Clone sarge has an automatic crit that cant be evaded when target is locked, and target locking on basic, and has a self heal with offense up.

    I give u an example when they are extremely viable .. both are republic ships. Now look at rex Crew ability. You do realize if u run these + jc, his ability practically have no cooldown, constant tm up for rez and and another ship with heals

    If those are the worst ships, I have no idea what game you are playing tbh
  • Zooey
    1607 posts Member
    Akiraine wrote: »
    fives has the only other dispel in game and an unresistable target lock. Hardly the worst ship.
    Clone sarge has an automatic crit that cant be evaded when target is locked, and target locking on basic, and has a self heal with offense up.

    I give u an example when they are extremely viable .. both are republic ships. Now look at rex Crew ability. You do realize if u run these + jc, his ability practically have no cooldown, constant tm up for rez and and another ship with heals

    If those are the worst ships, I have no idea what game you are playing tbh

    I think Rex is one of the best ships. But Fives is worse than Ahsoka in most respects and I find Sarges skillset to be made redundant by a lot of better ships.
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    A good team is the TLE team. (Target Lock Exploit). For TLE, use Slave 1, Umbaran starfighter, TIE Advanced, Rex's ARC-170, and Ahsoka Tano starfighter on starting. For reinforcements, use wedges xwing, millenium falcon, jedi consular, and any other reliable targetlock inflict and exploit. Rexs ship and Darths will automatically inflict target lock at the start, as the enemy will not have any buffs/debuffs (Unless they have a high speed and take their turn before you), building to power up the other attacks. When Umbaran starfighter comes around, he will deal up to 100% more damage with his special, heavily damaging the enemy and taking out their protection at the very least. Using Slave 1's proton torpedoes move next is preferable, as the bonus from target lock can still be used to inflict ability block. Save 1 slot for a defensive ship, like JC or Ahsoka. Ahsoka can dispel enemy buffs, and JC can regain ally protection. If an ally dies, swap in wedge if target lock is available on any enemy, or millenium falcon to inflict target lock and continue to provide bonus's to attacks. The capital ship should be either Mace or GMT. Mace can put taunt on millenium falcon while buffed to inflict target lock for ships who can exploit them, but i suggest using Executrix as it can stun with its special 'Imperial assault', provide extra damage to ally ships to debuffed (target lock or anything else) enemies, and also (You guessed it) deal more damage to debuffed enemies. If you don't have TIE advanced (I don't) use biggs xwing as tank, though i suggest putting him as a reinforcement if you're trying to get a three star in challenges. Otherwise, use him and JC on starting, as he taunts, and JC can easily restore his protection. The best part? He will endlessly taunt due to TL inflicted all the time, unless you're on your last legs.
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    Zooey wrote: »
    Akiraine wrote: »
    fives has the only other dispel in game and an unresistable target lock. Hardly the worst ship.
    Clone sarge has an automatic crit that cant be evaded when target is locked, and target locking on basic, and has a self heal with offense up.

    I give u an example when they are extremely viable .. both are republic ships. Now look at rex Crew ability. You do realize if u run these + jc, his ability practically have no cooldown, constant tm up for rez and and another ship with heals

    If those are the worst ships, I have no idea what game you are playing tbh

    I think Rex is one of the best ships. But Fives is worse than Ahsoka in most respects and I find Sarges skillset to be made redundant by a lot of better ships.

    Fives is one of the best imo,he deals heavy damage and can mess up enemy taunts by lowering their duration by giving tm to them,applies debuffs and target lock and can also dispell
    where is darth jar jar?
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    I use an all republic team. Rex, Plo, and the Consular are great for protection, and Ahsoka and Fives are heavy hitters. I put Rex on my team 3 days ago, and I have been sitting at #1 for 3 days.
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    Going against Mace teams with 10k less power than still results in a loss. Any way to counter them? They are so fast and different ships are taunting all the time. I'm using AA, because he was the only leader I had developed.

    On another note, is Rex's ship good? He is one of my best toons.
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    Going against Mace teams with 10k less power than still results in a loss. Any way to counter them? They are so fast and different ships are taunting all the time. I'm using AA, because he was the only leader I had developed.

    On another note, is Rex's ship good? He is one of my best toons.

    Yeah, I love his ship. It works great with republic allies, and feeds protection to my big tanks, specifically fives. Being a Mace/Republic player, I would say the biggest thing I have a problem with is heavy attacking. If you're looking to beat a team like that, Wedge, Biggs, and Ahsoka are the key. Poe is also a good attacker to have.
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    And Fives, he's great for a team like that. You wanna target lock as many people as possible.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Lucky 5 for me when ships released the only Republic pilot I didn't have at 7 star gear 10+ was Mace, and I have since gotten him there. Clone Sarge is super beefy, and with Mace and Plo I can keep him taunting all match long.
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    I thought i would add my 2 cents
    here. Im 79th lvl. All 4* ships. I use akbar cap ship. Starting team is biggs, slave1, tie advanced, bistan u wing, and jc. (Reinforcements, wedge, reaper, geo soldier and tie fighter) with this team im all about target locking and assist attacks, i can keep biggs taunting with over 100% protection with this team almost for entire battle. Massive damage assists cause a slight problem. But the amount of target locks i achieve and assists i can call keep biggs super tough. While the rest kill things. Fett is a must in the team, target lock entire enemy team then fett and biggs comes into their own. I dont have 555 ship or rex otherwise they would be here. Soon my pretty soon.
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