I NEED SOME HELP WITH MODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

97 posts Member
edited November 2016
I am very new to mods. I have no clue how they work, and no idea who to put them on. I need some help.

My current goal is to assemble a decent rebel team. My current 'throw-together' team that is getting me to that goal is:

Stormtrooper Han (L): 5*

Geonosian Soldier: 5*

Biggs Darklighter: 4*

Jedi Knight Anakin: 4*

Grand Moff Tarkin: 4*

I need to know what mods are, what each of the different shapes do, who to put which ones on, and if I should focus my Cantina energy more on mods or Cantina battles.

This next section is so that you guys know what I'm up against.

These are the leaders in my top 50 arena teams:

Lando Calrissian: 15

HK-47: 12

CT-7567 "Rex": 4

Admiral Ackbar: 3

Darth Sidious: 2

Captain Phasma: 2

Luminara Unduli: 2

Luminara Unduli: 2

Asajj Ventress: 2

Wedge Antilles: 1

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old Ben): 1

Barriss Offee: 1

CT-5555 "Fives": 1

Teebo: 1

Jedi Consular: 1

Boba Fett: 1

Jedi Knight Anakin: 1

Now that you know what I am up against, please help!
Post edited by KillerSwan13 on


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    Access youtube and search for "Smithie D". He has a lot of videos explaining strategies on how to mod the best heroes these days, especially the rebels.
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    DarthX wrote: »
    Access youtube and search for "Smithie D". He has a lot of videos explaining strategies on how to mod the best heroes these days, especially the rebels.

    Thanks so much! I will definitely do that!
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