Ships Battle Length

I am seriously struggling to complete ship arena matches in time, much more so now at the top of the arena. Most of my matches end in a tie, as there are usually at least 7 ships to go through. Of course there is always the autoplay button - but I dont want to leave it up to luck, and would much rather have input on how the match goes.

Just curious if that is something other people are facing too? Is it something CG should be looking at?


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    It's been piiiiiiiissing me off!!!

    Every ship is basically a new character, with new abilities.
    Xwings(minus poe's ship), clone ships, and geonosian ships look, wait for it... the eXact same! Shoot me in the **** face.

    Those two thing aren't an issue, unless you want to play the game. You can always just hit auto play and then you don't have to think or strategize or anything.
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    Absolutely true. I direct the first couple of moves and then mostly ai it. Too confusing to tell apart and exhausting to watched
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    Even on auto aint nobody got time for that!
  • scuba
    14193 posts Member
    So bad....
    Here is this great new content....
    Not enough time to play it just put it on auto....

    What's the point. Might as well have a Sim button on Arena
  • Ring
    559 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Yup. During an arena match yesterday it came down to two JC ships. I put it on autoplay or I wouldn't have been able to finish it. For two and a half minutes I watched the two ships slugging it out and doing the EXACT same things over and over again... attack, attack, heal, attack, attack, heal (with the capital ships doing the same things as well). My ship was ONE LEVEL higher than the other, so the difference in dmg was tiny. I finally finished with exactly 8 seconds left on the timer... But it's absolutely ridiculous. 95% of character fights are over in under 3 minutes (and most of the time it's WELL under 3 minutes) but the ship fights are just absurd. Imagine what will happen if we get more ships with healing abilities. Or, better yet, resurrect skills.

    They must either increase the DMG of the ships, lower their HP or increase the timer to 10-12 minutes.
  • scuba
    14193 posts Member
    Ring wrote: »
    Yup. During an arena match yesterday it came down to two JC ships. I put it on autoplay or I wouldn't have been able to finish it. For two and a half minutes I watched the two ships slugging it out and doing the EXACT same things over and over again... attack, attack, heal, attack, attack, heal (with the capital ships doing the same things as well). My ship was ONE LEVEL higher than the other, so the difference in dmg was tiny. I finally finished with exactly 8 seconds left on the timer... But it's absolutely ridiculous. 95% of character fights are over in under 3 minutes (and most of the time it's WELL under 3 minutes) but the ship fights are just absurd. Imagine what will happen if we get more ships with healing abilities. Or, better yet, resurrect skills.

    They must either increase the DMG of the ships, lower their HP or increase the timer to 10-12 minutes.

    Simply speeding up the animations will make it better.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    What's worse is that if you put it on auto your ship's AI is somehow worse(!) than the defense's. My GS would always use his basic over his assist on auto, even after I used Master Plan he used his basic twice and the same thing happened with my JC.. So even hitting auto at high end arena is leading to draws or losses cause of inferior AI. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    It would be nice if they made the battles 10 mins instead of 7,5.
    I think the animations are really cool, but the capitol ship animations are a little bit slow.
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    BrillO wrote: »
    Xwings(minus poe's ship), clone ships, and geonosian ships look, wait for it... the eXact same! Shoot me in the **** face.

    thats why they added the names above the character when you click on them
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    Lol ye a big design flaw. Noticed some draws as well, else auto realy helps. But don't just add more time. Give ships less health, make basic attacks do more damage or ditch the reinforcements.
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    Greenmojo wrote: »
    It would be nice if they made the battles 10 mins instead of 7,5.
    I think the animations are really cool, but the capitol ship animations are a little bit slow.

    I get what you are saying, but if you are needing to increase the time allotment of a portion of your mobile game because seven and a half minutes isn't enough, something is wrong. The time investment is seriously getting out of control.
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    Robhar3187 wrote: »
    Greenmojo wrote: »
    It would be nice if they made the battles 10 mins instead of 7,5.
    I think the animations are really cool, but the capitol ship animations are a little bit slow.

    I get what you are saying, but if you are needing to increase the time allotment of a portion of your mobile game because seven and a half minutes isn't enough, something is wrong. The time investment is seriously getting out of control.

    They should make to be able to finish battle in 5 min
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    Animations and lack of time hurts the ship battles. Our nr 1 on the shard has been number 1 for at least a week now since nobody is able to finish a battle vs him in time. Obviously broken imo..

    The full Jedi fleet is also a pain with Mace. 10k lower power fleet and had to autobattle 95% and still finished with 7 seconds of time left on the clock.
    Increase time to 12 mins imo, don't care if that means easy sniping for people. Better than having to do 7 mins of nothing that ends in a draw.

    @CG_Kozispoon @EA_Jesse
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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