Boba Fett needs Clone!

The complete lack of speed is hampering. By allowing him to combo with 5's you allow him to be viable in Arena.
If yous have a reason why he isn't a clone, then share that reason. Thanks in advance.


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    Remember he was a clone, but he didn't have any of the genetic and behavior mods that all the other clones had. That's what made him unique, so he wouldn't naturally fit in on any true clone team.
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    True - but he is still a clone. On top of that, legends continuity showed that many of the elite ARC troopers were trained and advised by Mandalorians. There were such similarities in 'culture' and mindset that many went on to associate with the Mandalorians after their service, so it wouldn't be that unreasonable for him to tie into 5's that way either.

    I think it should be added as well.
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