Should I continue farming Darth Sidious?

I am currently lvl 55 and have a 6* Darth Sidious. I started farming him because I heard he is one of the best character in the game, but now I heard lots of people saying he is really useless in the higher lvl. So I'm wondering if I should stop farming him and focus my energy on farming other characters, like Leia or maybe Stormtrooper Han.


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    Yes just stop now, save yourself the credits and gear, go for Storm trooper han then leia or ackbar, theyre probably the best toons to go for in there, unless you like droids then Ig88 for credit heist, then go hk47, his leader ability for droids is great.
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    DS was top dog back when level cap was 70. Long time ago.
    He is just a filler toon now, if you are into doing funky things like creating a gazillion DoT team.

    The toons suggested above are sound. I'd Go SThan, then Ackbar since he is capital ship Admiral, then Leia, IG88, HK47 in any order.
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    Sid's main benefit is his crit-boosting leader ability (+14% chance, +30% damage, omega'd). You'd build a team around him that had high crit chance and damage, and watch the 5-digit yellow numbers fly. He's still decent under a Emperor lead at high level, but since you're unlikely to have the Emperor, that doesn't apply.
    Since they've redone Boba Fett, Fett is a much wiser investment as a crit leader (+10% chance, +50% damage), he's a pilot for Ships, and he doesn't compete with all the great heroes in Arena Shipments (Ackbar, STHan, Nebit, Tarkin, HK, Leia, 88, ...).
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    Yes just stop now, save yourself the credits and gear, go for Storm trooper han then leia or ackbar, theyre probably the best toons to go for in there, unless you like droids then Ig88 for credit heist, then go hk47, his leader ability for droids is great.

    This is the way to go at your current level
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    Yeah, Sidious really isn't worth taking much beyond where you have him.

    Go get Akbar, Wedge and Biggs for Arena and ships. Also, I would farm Lando and other Scoundrels for Credit Heist event. ST Han is a good Scoundrel/Rebel. Also, Boba Fett may be useable now with his new buff. His Slave 1 ship also looks like it is pretty good, too.

    With Ships being introduced, you also should look at getting Dark Side pilots (ie. Tie-Fighter Pilot and FO Tie-Fighter Pilot) and Geonoshian Soldier and Geonoshian Spy. You will eventually need to get 5 Dark Side ships to 5* in order to farm Zetas from Ship Ability Mat Challenges. Get those 4 along with Boba Fett and that gets you 5 Dark Side pilots. Or you can just try to get Vader's Tie Fighter Advanced instead of Geonoshian Spy.
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    Nope. On level 55 healers are very important, like Lumi or Ackbar. But there are better characters to invest, like Lando, Wedge and Biggs, STH and RG (all farmable in your case). Actually, you must invest on your necessity, like pvp characters, pit characters or GW characters. Sid is not good, Ackbar and others make him unuseful.
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    Yes just stop now, save yourself the credits and gear, go for Storm trooper han then leia or ackbar, theyre probably the best toons to go for in there, unless you like droids then Ig88 for credit heist, then go hk47, his leader ability for droids is great.

    Thank you for the advice. I am going with STH

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    Since they've redone Boba Fett, Fett is a much wiser investment as a crit leader (+10% chance, +50% damage), he's a pilot for Ships, and he doesn't compete with all the great heroes in Arena Shipments (Ackbar, STHan, Nebit, Tarkin, HK, Leia, 88, ...).[/quote]

    I'm planning to go for Boba Fett as soon as I'm finished with QGJ

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    And farm Lando as well in Cantina.

    Use your Cantina currency to get Boba shards.

    Forget HK and just go for IG 88 once you get STHan to 5*.

    Boba (L) with speed and potency
    STHan (with lots of speed and protection)
    IG88 (potency and crit damage)
    Old Ben or Greedo (potency baby!)

    This team is Baller!
  • CaptainRex
    2840 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    How about that Zeta ability?
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • Smapty
    1260 posts Member
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    How about that Zeta ability?

    Looks good... especially behind a zeta Vader.

    Don't write ol' Sid off quite yet...

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    I only run sid on my dot team which isn't my best team. But since boba revamp I run sid with vader boba daka and cad for crucial stuns.
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    Probably not, but who knows? I could see the meta shifting again to make healers (and thus, healing immunity) viable. General Kenobi might make healers viable.
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    Short answer, yes.
    Long answer, yyyyeeeeesssss
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    Farm droids
    Darth sidiious was good for his ability to inflict imunity to heal on regular atack in galactic war
    1 you can use it for that at 6 stars
    2 if he is your highest * toon finish him so you can tag T7 raid
    3 he is useless otherwise and is on my E team 5th team...and only because I have him farmed- he is pretty fast tho

    If u build droids max Java engineer ASAP if not go for rebels

    Akbar is a must now for capital ship
    Droids are good but not great they are quite beatable

    look at what you want to do ,you should get 5 scoundrels high enaugh for credit heist event - this should prob be your first priority
    Ships have great rewards - second priority just to stay in a decent position
    Raids T7 join a guild and tag T& - guild needs to require contribution but not min dmg for T7 raids AAT can be at 6 non heroic raid - lots of them

    struggle to finish GW and farm several secondary toons for it so you can keep up as you lvl
    try saving some crystals - you never know when smth good comes up or you ened a few shards from cantina

    good luck :)
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    I have a 6 star sidious i was like you. Wished i farmed leia and st han then him. He a waste at the moment but eventually characters will make a come back just like Boba and jka did.
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    I'm sorry to tell you, but you should not have even started. Sidious is among the most useless heroes in the game.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    DS was top dog back when level cap was 70. Long time ago.
    He is just a filler toon now, if you are into doing funky things like creating a gazillion DoT team.

    The toons suggested above are sound. I'd Go SThan, then Ackbar since he is capital ship Admiral, then Leia, IG88, HK47 in any order.

    Agreed, Sidious is poo. But I disagree to farm those toons in any order.

    Ackbar is needed for ships, so is Wiggs (Biggs & Wedge). If you farm rebels, then their synergy is great in ordinary battles, they do well in fleet battles and also a good rebel team will unlock Palpatine (when his event decides to resurface).

    I'd concentrate on rebels for sure because there are so many advantages to them.

    However, if you don't have a good scoundrel team, you should really start there first. A good scoundrel team is your bread & butter in this game as you can get loads of credits and training droids through the heist/smuggling events. Plus Fett is quite the toon since his recent re-work and STHan is also sound (but he is a rebel too).

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    Only farm Darth Sidious if you plan on playing Sith with Darth Maul as leader with his zeta ability. Otherwise Sidious is not worth it at all.
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    I think Jesse said Sidious gets improved a lot above level 80, but I haven't heard any reports about anyone trying him to verify that. He was very good up to level 70, and the levels between 70-80 just didn't add enough to keep him competitive. It would be nice if the improvements at 81-85 could do that for him.
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    If you are planning on using him for arena ever at top level then no. He can be a decent GW player at gear 9. Anything lower than that and he is just for leveling with to about 75.
  • UltimateZeus
    1221 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Stop yesterday.

    I got him to 7* only discover he was pretty useless. Maybe they'll rework him at some point.
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    Stop immediately.
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    Recently restarted farming him for my Empire/Sith team B)
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