Black screen IOS

While doing battles lately, my screen will go completely black while in transition to the next segment. I go out of game and come back in and the pause screen comes up, but the black screen is still behind it. This has happened 6 or 7 times in the past few days and I lose the energy from the batlle.


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    Is this where I leave my official comolaint and try to get help to resolve the issue?
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    Hi, in order to investigate this issue, can you please provide your Device Model and OS along with your Ally Code please? Also, do you experience the black screen in a specific area of the game (Squad Arena, Raids, Fleet Arena, etc)?
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    I use an Iphone 6 with ios 10.1.1. My ally code is 465-672-317. It is happening with light/dark/cantina battles for sure. It is in the transition between phases. Thank you so much for your time.
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    @EA_MindTricks I've had the same issue twice this morning during cantina battle 5-D. Specifically, during the transition between battle 1 and 2 the game freezes and requires me to close and restart. I am running the game on iPad 2 Air, iOS 9.2.1. Ally code 429-449-648. Thank you.
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    Thank you for the information provided. We tested using the same device and OS and similar devices and we didn't encounter any issues. Can you please make sure that you try reinstalling the game and go through some of the troubleshooting steps for iOS and let me know if the issue remains?

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    It is a very intermittent issue. I reinstalled the game and it just happened again. I was grinding gear on light side 6a normal and the screen went black. It happens just enough to be really annoying. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen enough for good troubleshooting. Thanks for tour time.
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    Not sure if it makes a difference, but I was in auto play.
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    We've tested the app for several hours today on 2 different iPhone 6 (10.1.1) and iPad Air 2 (10.1) and we didn't encounter any issues. If you happen to notice that the black screen occurs for you after doing something specific in the game or anything resembling some repro steps let us know and we can re-test.
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    It just happened again on 4-I light side normal. I was auto-attacking.
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