guild looking to merge and create a second guild

hey all

we are an active guild looking to merge and create a second guild. our guild is at the moment split with maybe half ready for the heroic tank raid while the other half is still working towards it. we run the t7 rancor as the tickets allow. on the rancor we have a one go in the first 24hrs rule and after that its FFA (if its still going).

we want to create two guilds so we can have one that is for serious players who are getting the 600 raid tickets a day, scoring high in the raids etc. the second guild would be for the less active players who don't have the time or just want to play casual. this guild can also be for players who are trying to build up there toons to the point that they would be able to do the heroic tank raid.

if anyone is interested or has any questions pm me here and we can talk more.

the majority of the members are on GMT so we start the raids an hour after the guild reset (7.30).


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    Add me on Line id: bielcaprinho
    Bad game management here
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    We are officers and strong players from a guild gone bad that jumped ship last night. We know what it takes to build up players and we have strong teams that will carry your weaker members through and allow them to play lower tier raids and build up their heroes while we solidify our new guild, Rogue1111. If your interested in a merge now is the perfect time. My ally code is 692-885-896. Good luck.
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