Baze without Chirrut.

Is it worth it? I'm farming him via the shard shop.. and also Sun Fac with fleet shipments.. but how would Baze go without him? I was thinking maybe a Wiggs lead, with Lando Sun Fac and Baze? Or even HK lead, 88 and 86 with Baze and Fac.. thoughts? Has anyone experimented with Baze without Chirrut? Thanks!


  • jackTHErandom
    1195 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    HK droids without je: suicide
    You should go b2 and nebit... B2 when you need dispell and nebit when u need taunt
    Squad would be hk lead 88 86 je b2/nebit

    Baze at 3* g10 modded for hp: survives initial wiggs burst, rarely gets to get a turn (hes just too slow) but the soaking usually is enough for a win...

    Atm i run wiggs lead, lando, sf and baze and it works like a charm
  • Options
    Woot! Thanks alot man that just got me so much more keen! And yeah probably work on b2 next already have a strong and maxxed JE and Nebit for my droids.. Thanks for the reply man.
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