Can we increase old raid gear requests to 5 pieces please?

Like the title says, I don't understand how new raid gear can be requested at 5 pieces, yet the old stuff is still at 2 pieces.

Are we not past the last gear wall and onto a new gear wall with the level 85 cap? Was this simply overlooked?

It would be nice to see a dev response to see if this is being addressed.

Darth Saltious - Hoth Ski Patrol


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    And can we please make cuffs, etc somewhat easier to get? They don't seem like they should be the bottleneck now considering gold gear
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    Cuzzins wrote: »
    And can we please make cuffs, etc somewhat easier to get? They don't seem like they should be the bottleneck now considering gold gear

    They gave you them in fleet shipmemts, but screw that, that stuff is gold for getting ship shards.
    Darth Saltious - Hoth Ski Patrol
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    +1. Right now gear donation is pointless due to everyone needing the same gear. I've got hundreds of Nubian and furnace salvage to give away.
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