Boba Fett for december?

Why not a Rogue One bad guy? There will be bad guys right?


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    Why not a Rogue One bad guy? There will be bad guys right?

    For all you know hes a event that starts after Bristan.
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    Why not a Rogue One bad guy? There will be bad guys right?

    Boba fett just got reworked about a week or so ago and hence why he is Decembers log in
  • RancorPackGuild
    1363 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    We already have the hunch backed weed wacker(KR) and his grand father (DV)
    Post edited by RancorPackGuild on
  • RancorPackGuild
    1363 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Kylo Ren needs a rework next and Finn
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    Is it normal tho that you only get like half the shards you need to unlock him tho? Not sure how it was previously.
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    Yes very normal. You never know though, maybe a twist of more shards around Christmas. Would be nice. I already have him and I am not buying into the hype much. Played a few teams that quickly leveled him and the only difference that is notable is how good his health bar is when he revives.
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    Flamethrow wrote: »
    Is it normal tho that you only get like half the shards you need to unlock him tho? Not sure how it was previously.

    wedge antilles and JKA were 80 shards to unlock too.
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    Great thanks!
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    Yes very normal. You never know though, maybe a twist of more shards around Christmas. Would be nice. I already have him and I am not buying into the hype much. Played a few teams that quickly leveled him and the only difference that is notable is how good his health bar is when he revives.

    He seems to hit a lot harder also. That may be because I have never seen him much before. Also, when people start laying Zetas on him, he'll revive with full Protection. Not looking forward to that.
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    UoJCAM wrote: »
    Yes very normal. You never know though, maybe a twist of more shards around Christmas. Would be nice. I already have him and I am not buying into the hype much. Played a few teams that quickly leveled him and the only difference that is notable is how good his health bar is when he revives.

    He seems to hit a lot harder also. That may be because I have never seen him much before. Also, when people start laying Zetas on him, he'll revive with full Protection. Not looking forward to that.

    He probably hits harder because he is classified as an attacker where previously he was a tank.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Welcome to the party.... this was announced 2 weeks ago I think.

    But it's because of the rework.
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    Boba's a lot better now IMO - harder hitting and his revive tweak is nicer too. I was at first disappointed to see him as the daily login - but I need those shards to get him to 7*, just makes farming him a little less tedious.
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    More shards for the shard shop !! He is a nightmare to gear up
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    Why not a Rogue One bad guy? There will be bad guys right?

    We have Vader. ;)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Not sure there will be bad guys. CG has a crush on everything Rebel and Boba Fett so the question remains why they just dont skip the empire and just make Rebels to fight each other. Like a best of the God modes.
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    Ya idk. My guild had a good laugh this morning when we saw boba as log in toon. A simple pic of him in GW and the caption "why" made me laugh
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    Why not a ship instead of a toon most of us already anyway have 7* for credit heist?
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    like slave1 shards ;-)
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    Why not a Rogue One bad guy? There will be bad guys right?

    Who's to say Boba Fett isn't a Rogue One bad guy? I haven't seen the movie yet.
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    Yes very normal. You never know though, maybe a twist of more shards around Christmas. Would be nice. I already have him and I am not buying into the hype much. Played a few teams that quickly leveled him and the only difference that is notable is how good his health bar is when he revives.

    I run him as my lead, with 88, QGJ and Wiggs - been Top 3 in my shard since I switched. IMO, he is a great lead now and is a viable counter to some of the meta teams out there.
    Do or Do not.

    DarthBarron (Kevin, aka KevWalker)
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    Yes very normal. You never know though, maybe a twist of more shards around Christmas. Would be nice. I already have him and I am not buying into the hype much. Played a few teams that quickly leveled him and the only difference that is notable is how good his health bar is when he revives.

    I run him as my lead, with 88, QGJ and Wiggs - been Top 3 in my shard since I switched. IMO, he is a great lead now and is a viable counter to some of the meta teams out there.

    He is defiantly worth it after rework. I threw him in as lead yesterday at 6 star with wiggs, ani, and b2 and it was not onpy fun to play but very effective. Gonna be modding my 88 today probably for arena
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