80 posts Member
edited December 2016
It's obvious that everyone is scouring the forums seeking a guild that can readily take out a heroic AAT raid.. With your help we may be able to make this possible in a very short time.

We have the AAT raid down in 9 days and that is with our bottom 12 doing a combined total of about 500k damage within that time... not too awesome. Our top 20 are doing most of the work but 20-35 aren't shabby either. Our feeling is that if we had a few more heavy hitters to replace the bottom 12 we would be in great shape and not far off from completing the tank raid on heroic.

We will either take a couple of decent individuals while keeping our weaker members or we would be willing to absorb a small guild or group of members by cutting a few of our "not so actives." The point is, we are trying to make progress one way or another.

We begin our rancor raids for zero damage at 17:30 UTC. P1 is then completed the next day by a group of two. We alternate this as a privilege to allow everyone who can solo p1 a guaranteed top 2 position. Additionally the top 10-15 spots are not bogged down by people who can solo p1. This allows everyone a good shot at decent raid position. P2 then opens at 15:00 UTC for everyone to use one group only. All in time is at 21:00 UTC.

Tank raid is all in at all times and we require daily participation. Having at least 2 decent groups to contribute to tank raid would be great, but the more the better.

Our guild is English speaking but we also have a several German speaking members including myself... Wir haben auch Deutschsprachige mitglieder, wenn das gebraucht wäre...

We use discord to communicate raid info.

Guild raid and activity Refresh times are European because I made my account while overseas. For those of us living in the US this is actually pretty convenient.

If there are any questions please feel free to send a message and ask me. Otherwise drop your ally code below and I will gladly send you an invite.

Thank you in advance for reading and I hope to hear from you.


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