Does this game need more rebels?

The title speaks for itself... starting to feel like SWGORebels...

I can see how they don't want to spoil Rogue One's villains (and definitely want to use it as a marketing tool so we can't fault them for putting them in) but come on... there are other factions out there....

Somebody should make a table and see whether we in fact now have more Rogue One + Clone Wars named characters in the game than we have from the original series + prequels + VIII combined.

Because... we surely need Bistan more than Snoke or Hux, Blind dude more than Padme, R2D2 or C3PO, Echo, Cody and Rex more than JEDI FREAKING LUKE.

And Ep7 Millenium falcon piloted by Finn and Rey for 5 minutes is clearly more iconic than one that could have Han, Chewie, Luke, Leia, R2D2 as the 5 man crew they have been promising....

I do get that they are trying to roll out certain content (ships thankfully) slowly, but then they pump out 10 Rogue One toons over a month and it makes you wonder...
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