Data Card returns - bad luck or a ripoff?

21 posts Member
edited December 2016
I have just had a long discussion with a "Live Chat" advisor regarding the yields of Data Cards.
I have been playing this game for almost a year, never missed a day and from time to time I spend some money for crystals so I can speed up my progress when stuck. (I must have spent a few hundred euro so far).
I feel that every time I buy a Chromium Mega-Pack or a Fleet Mega-Pack, what I receive is nowhere close to being worth 15-20euro in crystals.
Today, for the 3rd time I have purchased a Fleet Mega-Pack and out of 8 crates I have received a total of 35 Jedi Consular shards, 5 Plo Koon shards and some shards for the spaceships of these two characters. The previous packs also contained between 5-15 shards of similarly common characters.
Out of 24 crates, none has contained anything more than 15 shards, despite the advertised "5-100".
The same happens with Chromium packs, of which I do not recall how many I have purchased during the last year or so.

The customer service team said there is nothing they can do and I'm basically just very unlucky, so I take it that I should not spend another cent on this game.

Does anyone else feel the same? Am I being unreasonable here?
Post edited by DarthKals on


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    Feel the same way. I won't purchase anything ever again. I will still play the game, because it's still fun, but it's a waste of money to buy anything. I've only spent about 50 dollars, but none of the purchases gave me anything of use.
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    I've spent close to 3k on this game and have yet to be disappointed with what I have gotten from the mega packs I bought
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    I've only been playing for 5 months
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    Spend money to buy shipments. It's 10 times better than those rubbish datacards
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    gijack25 wrote: »
    Feel the same way. I won't purchase anything ever again. I will still play the game, because it's still fun, but it's a waste of money to buy anything. I've only spent about 50 dollars, but none of the purchases gave me anything of use.

    Same here
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    Spend money to buy shipments. It's 10 times better than those rubbish datacards

    Spending free earned crystals, not money. If the company's response to such complaints is a simple "tough luck", then no more money will be spent from my side.
    There's an issue here and I'm not the only one who has ever complained about misleading descriptions of the various items sold here because the "random selector generator" is clearly over-biased and yields are mostly disappointing.
    If EA want to pretend it's just bad luck, then they will not get any more money from many of us.
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    Hopefully the US will get on Japan and now China's law of forcing them to list drop rates.
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    DarthKals wrote: »
    Spend money to buy shipments. It's 10 times better than those rubbish datacards

    Spending free earned crystals, not money. If the company's response to such complaints is a simple "tough luck", then no more money will be spent from my side.
    There's an issue here and I'm not the only one who has ever complained about misleading descriptions of the various items sold here because the "random selector generator" is clearly over-biased and yields are mostly disappointing.
    If EA want to pretend it's just bad luck, then they will not get any more money from many of us.

    Ea have universal answer as bad luck regarding to drops , with added bonus as we can do nothing about it. Which is just pure lie, it is just matter of coding.
    Did you get 2* star char as sure char fron char megapack ? ( not my case but readed it)
    We can nothing about is. Lie, you can do it, just remove them from drop table of sure drops, but keep them in normal drops ( if anyone got 1* that will be intended troling).
    Did you get 7* star char as sure drop ?
    Well we can do nothing about it. Same lie and solution as in previus case. And that thing that 20$ was reduced to 2$ because shard shop ? Well bad luck for you.
    And similiar for normal drops for 7* chars, we can do nothing about it. Rly ? How about adding code to drop table, if 7* char, reduce drop chance by 70% ?
    Again, not worth of coding time. I can accept that 7* char drops will hapen normaly if you have a lot of 7* chars, but they are extremly annoing if you dont have many of them ( i have around 1/7 of chars at 7*).
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    I feel the same way. I feel burned and have not much to show for spending over 300 bucks in this game. I am not spending anymore money until EA decides to make these packs fair or gets rid of them and just make it to where we can just buy character shards .
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