Dark Souls is Recruiting New Members

Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls! People of all nations! Guild Dark Souls is looking for a few new members to fill out our ranks.

We offer Tier 7 Heroic Rancor raids at least 3 times a week. We offer a fun, relaxed gaming environment full of talkative members looking to share ideas, collaborate on strategies, or to let people know they just got blasted in the face by the Biggs/Wedge combo. We have a great mix of veteran and novice players alike, all of whom are working towards heroic AAT Tank raids and the highly anticipated General Kenobi.

This is what we can offer you. What do we ask in return? We require you to produce 600 raid tickets every day with an emphasis on the daily guild activity. We ask that you join our Discord chat for any guild announcements. We would also like to see that you construct your roster with the AAT Tank raid in mind. By that I mean develop squads of droids, rebels, and Jawas. Lastly, we ask that you always be civil to your fellow guild mates.

Sound like a good fit? Here are a few more details:

Rancor Raid
As stated above we participate in at least 3 raids a week. We have a strict 24 hour registration period where you can only send in one character to record zero damage. After the 24 hour period is up, it is a free for all to finish the rancor off. We have two fixed start times for the raid to accommodate multiple different time zones.

AAT Tank Raid
While I'd love to say we're doing heroic tank raids, sadly, we're not quite there yet. We have finished many normal raids and the days needed to complete them is decreasing each time. Our only rule right now is that you attack every day.

We use Discord for added guild chat and any announcements from the guild leadership. We also have a facebook group where we have a collection of squad strategies and a full set of raid procedures.

So, how about it? If this all sounds like a great fit and you'd like to join our community, you can respond to the post, pm me, send an ally request to 339-179-735, or contact us on Discord at Microcuts#6475 or KeyserSoze#9690


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