Google Play application crash during arena and ship arena

Hey, so here is the problem: since the ship update, i expeience google play application crashes which is pretty annoying during arena and ship arena fights. The game usually goes to pause mode but there were more extreme cases when the whole game crashed. Any advice? I'm using vodafone tab prime tablet.


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    I am also experiencing frequent Google play issues which are always followed shortly after by the game crashing. This has been going on since the ships were added. I am on an Android Moto g.
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    Comigo também tem acontecido esses erros nas guerras das naves no meio do jogo fica tudo preto e vai lá para tela inicial do celular , e trava tudo quando tem aparecido dizendo que o jogo está com problemas com o Google aí trava tudo e reinicia o jogo também poxa arrumem isso já virou palhaçada por favor
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    I've had several arena and ship ship battle crashes. Yesterday I also had a crash during the AAT tank raid.
    I've also seen the Google Play connection problem, but I hadn't linked that to the crashes.
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    I've been having this problem to since ships was introduced , has there been any feedback ?
  • Tralk
    135 posts Member
    This then force close ...

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    Same problem. Any fixes? what is CG saying?
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