Fleet shipment timer

I just wanted to budget my fleetl arena tokens, I bought a cple character shards out of there earlier and wanted to blow it all then noticed the timer was up in about 4hrs and realized the goods are going to change when the timer is up. will the new goods still be there when we get or payouts tonight? Is the fleet arena shipment on a 24,16, 12, 6 or 4 hour timer?
Thx n advance.
-FightinPhantom 303rd/720th Mile High City
191568986 Ally Code


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    Content switches like Guild Store, meaning same times (15, 6 and 3 hour windows) and no constant goods.
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    So the next window will be 6 hrs?
    -FightinPhantom 303rd/720th Mile High City
    191568986 Ally Code
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    in my store there is a counter ...;-)
    The sound of a TIE Fighter engine was created by combining an elephant bellow and a car driving on wet pavement.
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    Yeah i know there is a lil under 4 hrs but I wanted to know what the duration of the counter is which was answered for me thanks. Knowing lil stuff like that enabled me to get G. Grevious a lil early.
    -FightinPhantom 303rd/720th Mile High City
    191568986 Ally Code
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    The fleet refreshes everytime you get your "bonus energy" same with guild store
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