Come hang out in a Van down by the River!

27 posts Member
edited January 2017
We are experienced officers looking for active players to help grow our guild.

We pride ourselves on our team first mentality, and are a very generous bunch. We have plenty of strategies and tips to help you become successful in all areas of the game. All of our officers are below 100 in the Arena, and we have done every raid on every tier level. Our officers bring lots to the table and are selfless with their advice and guidance. Our guild strives to rarely have donations go unfilled and are looking for like minded individuals to join our crew.

All seriousness aside, we are a fun loving comical n' casual bunch and we have no hard rules to follow.
We are INVITE ONLY so message me and you too can live in a Van down by the River!!

Guild Requirements:
Must use Discord (both apple and google play have the app) - this helps with strategy/tip sharing
Must be level 60 or close (can make exceptions for the right person)
Be a team player willing to help others learn and grow & participate in discussions on guild direction and ideas
Be Active! Achieve (or come close) to the 600 daily contributions - this helps us raid more
North American time zone
Must Speak English

Ally code: 315-891-696
Discord Handle: @Savage Vixen #9659
Post edited by Savage_Vixen on


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